May the 4th Be With You

“A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.”

“Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger… anger leads to hate… hate leads to suffering.” – Yoda

            Who knew Yoda had so many good quotes?  Who knew how relevant they are to today’s world?  We are living right now in a time of his quote above about fear.  There is so much anger and hate right now going on in this world.  How does one deal with this and move on with a prosperous life?  Here is my Yoda like quote for today, “One must stay in one’s own lane.  Go within!”  The better you are about going inside of yourself for your answers, the more you will radiate goodness out into the world.

            This weekend was one of shifts and emotional upheavals for me.  I had a few things trigger me (imagine that) and just felt, well, kind of hopeless.  I woke up today with a new attitude and ready to march into my week. Something shifted overnight. I had clear visions and words coming through to me and therefore my sleep wasn’t going so well. The interesting thing is I woke up feeling refreshed.  The Universe was giving me lessons and still taking care of me at the same time.  For that I am grateful.

            The lessons coming through last night were, I believe, sparked by me reading Alicia Keys’ new memoir, More Myself.  She peels back the layers of herself as she continues along on her journey of life.  Each layer reveals a deeper part of her. I am only half way through the book and already can’t wait for the ending to see where she ends up on this path.  She talks a lot about energetics, especially around the words that come out of your mouth.  I totally dig all of this myself. What we put out to the Universe, will come back to us bigger.  For example, if you keep complaining, you are going to attract more things to complain about.  I stopped and realized what my thinking had been the last few months – completely stinking thinking. Today was a new day!

            Another of the lessons that came through last night were around who you surround yourself with and the conversations that you have with them.  I decided this morning to make a list of inspirational people that I would invite to a party to absorb their good energy.  Of course, Alicia and her husband made the list.  Reading their stories in this book made me realize that they surround themselves with high vibe folks. This is super important if you want to bring those high vibes into your own life.  I felt last night that I let go a part of my life that had me having conversations with folks that were low vibes.  I literally saw the cords being cut and felt that energy go away.

   We are being constantly reminded, especially lately, that time is of the essence.  Time, words, and energy are a big deal if you want to live that big, prosperous life.  Focusing on lack will bring you more lack.  Today I choose to focus on prosperity and am opening myself up to receive the abundance I know that is out there for me.  There is enough around for everyone, we just have to want it bad enough. This week will be one of quiet and clarity.  I’m ready to put together the big picture of what I want from life and what I want to give out in life.  If I am prosperous than I can help others. I must put my own oxygen mask on first.

 Until My Next Adventure,

 Trish Walker

 Check out my “Act As If” program at my website  Set yourself up for success on the other end of world events.  Who do you want to be when we step into our new normal?



Feeling A Stuckness

“Someday everything will make perfect sense.  So, for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.” 

            My goal for this pandemic was to get up every Monday and write up a blog post.  This week I couldn’t do it.  No matter what I did, I felt the word “stuck”.  I don’t like to even use that word because what I realize is that you are not really stuck but refusing to budge.  There is something that you are supposed to be doing and you refuse to see any way to do it.  This was me and to some extent, it still feels that way. I’m feeling on edge. I’m feeling like I can’t do anything right now due to current circumstances. I’m at Week #8, I think, and it’s getting real.  Even though our governor said things will start re-opening, I’m feeling like this will go on for a long time.

            It is not something going on but more that life has completely changed in a short, short time.  I go out and see people worrying about whether people are wearing masks or not.  I see that life at Shake Shack (our treat for today) has morphed into people sitting in their hot cars and the masked workers bringing bags to the cars.  It’s sad for me and that is where I have the opportunity to shift my thinking and my reality.  This is what life will look like for, probably the rest of the year.  If I don’t shift my thoughts, it’s going to be a long 2020.

            I remember waking up on New Year’s Day thinking that 2020 was going to be an amazing year for many reasons. Little did I know that it would be a different year from any that I have ever experienced in my life.  I was working full-time for the first time in a long time due to some life circumstances.  I got super sick in February (thinking now I had the “rona”), I was forced to quit my job due to the illness and then the wave hit.  I went from a high to a low.  We all did.  No one knew what was coming or how to prepare for it.  It’s how we come out the other side of this that will determine our future.

            Each day I get up and gauge how my day is going to go.  What key I was missing is that I have the power to make how my day goes.  I stick to a schedule of meditation, walking, etc.  Today my son and I deviated from our schedule and went out for lunch and to pick something up from a friend’s house.  We both got so thrown off, we came home and took a deep nap.  I woke up thinking, is everything going to make me tired and in need a nap?  I sure hope not.

            I believe the message I am getting today is to continue living in the day by day mindset for now.  Stick with my schedule, look at my next right steps, and then step into my best future.  I’m sticking to my exercise routine, doing my writing and looking for future opportunities.  If that’s “all” I am doing right now, that’s a lot better than binge watching Netflix and eating Thin Mints. Well, the Thin Mints, they were gone the first week of this pandemic.

Life is what we make it. We are the architects of our lives.  What will you do with yours?

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

 Check out my “Act As If” program at my website  Set yourself up for success on the other end of world events.  Who do you want to be when we step into our new normal?


The Hate in My State

If I want to be a better person for whoever is in my life, I have to learn.” -Paul Gascoigne

            I woke up this Monday morning determined to get my life back on track after a weekend of Netflix and cookie eating.  I kept justifying it as, “It’s okay, I’m resting.” But I see now that what I was doing was absorbing all the negative energy from Facebook, news posts and people around me who were telling me all about what was going on here in my state of Utah.  I know better than this but still got sucked in.  It was reported that over 1,000 people gathered in Salt Lake City to protest the stay-at-home orders.  Help me to understand here.

            There is a deadly virus going around at the moment, yet these folks chose to gather in a large group, many without masks, and fight against something that has helped to lower the numbers of this virus.  It’s as if the collective all got cranky at once and rose up. It was really very fascinating to see.  Do we think that this rally did anything to further the cause?  I’m just not sure.  What I think is that in two weeks we will see a rising of the numbers of virus cases in our state.  This should be interesting. 

            I get that people have a right to their opinions. I get that we have a Bill of Rights, Freedom of Speech, etc. but what I don’t get is that the careless actions of a few hundred people could have devastating effects on the healthcare workers. They are already overworked.  Why would folks want to put them even more in danger and potentially keep the stay-at-home order in place longer?  I’m not saying anyone is wrong, I’m just on a deep dive to understand both sides of the equation here.  I’m also trying to understand where and when the level of hate in my state went up so much?  It’s like the dark is winning and that’s not okay.

            It’s dismaying to me to see people who I thought were of high vibe and are healers, putting up posts on their FB pages spewing anti-everything.  Do you remember the Mother Teresa quote “I won’t go to an anti-war rally, but I will go to a pro-peace rally?”  Energy is everything. That which we give energy to (either good or bad) will grow.  Energy doesn’t differentiate.  If you continually post anti-president pictures, for example, do you really think that is doing anything other than giving him more energy?  It also takes away from the time that you could be staying in your lane and working on yourself.

            Someone asked me the other day for suggestions on how to handle these current times.  I simply said for them to stay in their lane first. Work on yourself. Where are you needing to deep dive and really examine why you are triggered by certain things?  If you are triggered by certain things than you are needing some healing in that area. If you have such deep anger/hatred around a certain topic or person, then go out and do something to better the world.   Feed a homeless person instead of putting up an anti- FB post.  See where I’m going with this?  Instead of spewing more hate into the world, start putting out more love and gratitude.

            I don’t know what will become of all of this, but I do know that I am more motivated than ever to wake up each day and see what I can do to make a difference in this world.  Even if I only help one person my whole life, that may be more than the guy who is spending a lot of time hating.  I wish that every person could read this, and it could trigger something in them to maybe take a step back and see what they are doing?  That five minutes you spent posting and then the hour you spend looking at whether people are commenting, what can you do with that precious time instead?

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Check out my “Act As If” program at my website  Set yourself up for success on the other end of world events.  Who do you want to be when we step into our new normal?


Not Another Manic Monday

“ I Love Mondays: 1. A fresh start; 2. The chance to set a new tone for the rest of the week., 3. A great day to be alive!”

            It’s Monday on Week 4 of Quarantine Life.  How’s everyone holding up?  Today feels kind of heavy for me.  It’s like we had this auspicious holiday yesterday that usually uplifts and is a time for resurrection.  Today is Monday.  Nothing has changed for the most part. It’s a lot of just taking one day at a time and waiting and seeing. Does this mean we have to be glum?  No, we can turn this around.  Let’s start right here and now.

            Yes, we are in uncertain times.  Yes, we have no clue what the future holds but I, for one, am ready to make some changes in my life.  The frustrating thing is I’m ready now, but the world is closed down and I can’t leave the house. Where does this leave me?  With time to craft these changes so that they are the best decisions yet.  It also gives me time to work on my goals and dreams.  We are all on this carousel of uncertainty, but we can make the best of these times and think about what we want, instead of what we don’t want.

            Honor your feelings and emotions right now. We are all dealing with certain stages of grief, frustration and for me, the other day, anger.  Like hot, red anger.  I breathed my way through it, recognized what it was and pushed it out of my sphere.  It will come back.  I’m certain but I won’t try and stuff it down. I’ll reach in, look it right in the eye and see what in my life needs to be changed in order to move it through.  I have some great meditation tools that I am happy to share with you!

            We can make little shifts here and there that amount to a big result.  Small is the new big!  If we try and make big changes right now, we are most likely setting ourselves up for a failure and that won’t help in this day and age.  Focus on the solutions instead of the problem.  What action steps can you take today to start moving you towards that ultimate goal?  Some folks have been asking me lately what their ultimate goal is. I can’t answer that for you but can give you some tips and tools.  For example, what is something that keeps coming to mind whilst in house arrest?  Do you fixate on HGTV shows (okay I do)?  Maybe that’s where your career lies.  There are all aspects of real estate that you can go into.  There’s house flipping, buying, selling, renovations, mortgages, etc.  If you keep coming back to this channel again and again, guess what?  You most likely have a passion for all things real estate. Start researching what that would take as a career instead of watching so much of it on television.

            Listen, I get it. I’m here with you during this quarantine. I’m feeling the feelings, shifting the thoughts and processing the grief and anger like most of you are.  It’s great to process feelings but just don’t unpack your bags there.  Keep it moving.  Watch them as if they are movie and say thank you, thank you, next.  We can either be victims or victors in this thing called life. Which group do you want to be in?

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Park City, UT

Check out my “Act As If” program at my website  Set yourself up for success on the other end of world events.  Who do you want to be when we step into our new normal?



Your Future is in Your Faith!

There are times in one’s life where you feel like you are at a stand-still. I was there for months. We had a long winter, I was getting myself settled after my divorce was final and I was just trying to keep my son and myself grounded and safe. It took a wee bit of energy to maintain the new normal so I stayed small. I stayed small so that I could survive instead of thrive. Silly me! I’m now seeing that if I had played full out, my life might be a bit different than where I’m finding myself currently.

I’m getting ready to once again pack moving boxes. I’ll be shifting things around a lot the next few months so that we can stay in our town and my son can stay in his familiar surroundings. This is the plan currently. The Universe may have different ones. It’s been a learning process. I’m learning to have faith that the right things will fall into my lap like a great living situation. I have faith but I’m also taking steps to make certain things are moving forward.

A lot of people have asked me if I’m nervous or worried about giving up my lease without a next step. The interesting thing is I’m actually exhilarated. I’m deciding to do things differently than ever before. Without changing myself, how can things change. I know, your first thought is but what about your son? I’m taking risks but also making sure he is safe in the process. We are both excited about our next steps!

I’m re-reading for the third time the Bad Ass books by Jenn Sincero. I’m really paying attention this time because my desire to do things differently is so huge. I knew that these books were my first right step. Jenn drops a lot of wisdom bombs. Last night’s chapter was all about how your future is in your faith. “Faith is the rocket that you ride into uncharted territory to get to your wildest dreams.”. Don’t you just love that? Jenn went on to say, “If you are serious about creating a new reality, you must do different things and think different thoughts.”. YESSSSS!

I’m so excited to be back on my blog. When I first blogged, my book was born and life changed in big, big ways. I’m ready to up level again and to have you, my readers, come along for the ride. Stay tuned as I will give updates on how doing life differently makes me feel, what gifts it brings and what lessons that I will learn.

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

It All Comes Down to This.......

Today seems to be a day of introspection.  I am slowing down enough to see that what I thought was my vision might not be my vision at all.  In fact, as I type this, a vision board is in the making next to me. I seemed to have some resistance around even making it this morning.  Hmmm, interesting.

There have been a few deaths around me lately, a friend’s Dad, a young man who was simply mountain biking on vacation, certainly lots in the news, etc.  It makes me stop and go, hmmmmm.  It all comes down to that – death.  If I knew I only had a few years left, how would I want to spend those?  This is where the vision questing comes in.  Am I on the right path?  Should I even look at life like that?  Do I need to be in the present more?

My life has drastically changed in the last year.  It’s even changed a lot in less than a year.  Big, big shifts.  Good, bad and in between.  Let me take the bad out of there because I no longer am using words like negative and bad as there is always something to learn from things. 

I was in a workshop the other day where the moderator had us do gratitudes for things that may not have been in our life plans: divorce, deaths, job loss – you get the picture.  There were a few eye rolls (not from me, as I could see where she was going with this), a few groans and a few looks like deer in the headlights.  What?  How can we have gratitude for loss?

Once everyone started to do the exercise, I could see the shift in the room.  Oh yeah, there are things to be grateful from that divorce.  I now know where my next path in life will come.  I am grateful for my child that came from said marriage.  I am grateful for the opportunity I had to live in various places across the globe because of my husband’s job.  I could go on but think you get the picture.  What a cool way to look at things, right?

As you can see, today is one of those days of deep thought, clearing my energy out and thinking about what I really want out of this one life I have.  It’s comforting to know that I can start each day fresh and go from there.  I can live in the present and start each day in thought about what my next right steps might be.

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Happy 2017 - Let's Rock This!

Happy 2017!!  This year is going to rock.  I started out the year with a bang.  I went into hibernation mode over the weekend and was able to thoroughly clean my house, set up some manifestations for this upcoming year, and do some self-care to start the New Year off in the right the direction.  I had a positive feeling about this year and I still do but....  I sit here at my desk after my son finally got back to school after long breaks and a bonus snow day.  I am sitting at my computer and wondering how to get started and what's the best thing to do to get my manifestations rolling. I was feeling very ungrounded and decided to reach out to a friend.  He told me to go back to my sequence.. Do some grounding, cut cords and take a salt bath.  Whenever you are feeling like the world is spinning out of control, it's awesome to know that you can have these simple tools to plug back into and feel safe, comforted and supported.

I was guided this past New Year to not go back and review my 2016.  It's giving energy to something that has past.  It's better to step into the exciting possibilities of what you can become in the 2017.  I love this.  It's a far more uplifting feeling than going back over things that happened.  Yes, I am grateful for all of the good shifts but why give energy to those things that may not have been so uplifting?  This is a whole new perspective and one that gives me much joy.  Even as I sit here and type this, I'm feeling like the energetic shift into the future has really begun.

As I prepare to become my best self, I'm preparing some things to have others join me for their next steps.  These will include coaching programs, Meet-ups, videos, re-branding and several other yummy ingredients.  I would love for you to join me on this journey.  If you are interested, please feel free to contact me @

"I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're doing something." - Neil Gaiman

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker


Where Are You Quitting on Yourself?

Tis the season to be jolly, well you know the rest.  It's been a busy one for sure.  In the midst of it all, I am doing my best to continue the momentum I have built up this year.  It's easy to use the excuse of the holidays to slow down for the last two weeks of the year.  In my honest opinion, this is the best time of year to actually speed up and set yourself up for a rocking 2017. With this theme in mind, I'm noticing a lot of people quitting on themselves.  I've been really guilty of this myself this past year, and am doing my best to put into practice things that make me step out of that and forge on. What do I mean by quitting on yourself? Where do you stop yourself?  Where are you suddenly in the flow and things are going great and boom, you throw something in your own path?  This something could be anything from self-doubt and fear to stopping what you are doing so that the flow also stops.

I gave an example the other day of when I really wanted to crawl back under my warm covers instead of getting to the computer and making some new prospects.  It was so hard, especially since I work out of my house. This became the theme of the day because it got me really noticing where others are doing this as well.  The proverbial stay under the covers so I don't have to put my gifts out into the world scenario.  I'm guilty of this in the past as well.

Listen, I know it's the easy thing to do.  When we are doing energetic, physical and emotional shifts, it feels foreign.  It can also feel fearful, painful, and any other "ful" that you can think of.  It's those of us that push through the can'ts, shouldn'ts, etc. that will realize the most gain.

You ask how I put things into place to stop myself from quitting on myself.  What is my practice?  Everyday I get up and sit quietly with 12 minutes ticking down on my clock.  I tune in to Source, get quiet and really listen to what my next steps will be.  I also ask myself if something I am about to do is what is best for my higher self.  I ask if it will take me to my next right place.  If the answer is no, you will most likely feel it in your body.

Back to the holidays, I get it, it's busy, exhausting and can be downright stressful. Here's the thing. If you are working on yourself and staying in your flow during this time of year, guess what, I bet the holiday season will be less stressful and can even be downright fun.  Once your body and soul are humming with your divine purpose, the rest of your world will magically fall into place.

“Don't give up before the miracle happens.” ― Fannie Flagg, I Still Dream About You

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Are you ready to say yes to your soul by shifting your perspective to create something extraordinary? I invite you to contact me via email at to discuss how I can help you to make your next chapter better than your last.

Please also follow me on my Facebook Page: Trish Walker or via Twitter (Trish Walker@50foraYear).


Back Away From the Distractions!

I've been guilty lately of letting distractions take hold of my every day life.  What I mean by this is, spending my time on things that do not take me towards my greatest good.  I have had several days last week filled with phone calls with friends and family members, lunch with others, going for an oil change in the middle of the day, etc.  This then escalated into me making judgements about others, thinking they weren't doing things the right way and so on and so on. Now don't get me wrong.  Having a long phone call with a friend is a wonderful thing to do.  It's when I do it several mornings out of the week with several different friends that it starts to really take away from my work. My soul's mission here on earth is to help folks and to get my word out there.  I can help folks while having coffee but at some point, I should think about giving them the tools to help themselves.

Once I realized where I was throwing distraction into my life, I decided to sit back and see where others were doing it and if I was guilty of doing the same thing.  Bingo!  I have a dear friend who is veering off track with her life goals.  She is spending a lot of time worrying about what others in her life are doing.  Yes, she is not staying in her own lane.  Where am I doing that, I thought?  I was definitely doing that.  It was as if I woke up this morning and the light went on.  It's time to ask myself the simple question as these distractions come up, "Is this in my higher good?". Is the sitting around worrying what others are doing for my highest good?  NO.....  Is letting others dump their stuff on me for my highest good?  NO....

I won't fully stay away from phone calls  with my friends.  They are dear to me.  I love that they are in my life.  I will take my calendar and make sure that I get my work done and the things that are moving me toward my greatest good done.  Once I do this, then I'm happy to sit down and see how the rest of the world is doing.  If I don't get my social time, I start to really miss people and places.

Where can you "clean" up your time?  Are you spending a lot of time thinking about how others can do it better?  Is there some way for you to turn that around and see where it's mirroring something in your life?  Are you giving away a lot of your time that could be used to work on your goals?  It might be time to start looking inward and see where you can make some changes!!

"Whatever you want to do, do with full passion and work really hard towards it. Don't look anywhere else. There will be a few distractions, but if you can be true to yourself, you will be successful for sure." - Virat Kohli

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Are you ready to say yes to your soul by shifting your perspective to create something extraordinary? I invite you to contact me via email at to discuss how I can help you to make your next chapter better than your last.

Please also follow me on my Facebook Page: Trish Walker or via Twitter (Trish Walker@50foraYear).



I'm changing!  Yes, that's right, I'm changing and I am loving it.  Since my first book came out, all kinds of wonderful things are happening for me.  I've been doing press (radio, television, newspaper articles) and meeting some really great people.  It's as if my world has shifted so much in just even three months.  As I sit here typing this, I am reflecting on how my changing has had many different effects on other people in my world. Just yesterday I had a television interview air. As I sat there and watched myself, along with my son, I got giddy, nervous and finally, after a great segment, relieved.  The reporter managed to bring out some different aspects of me that I almost didn't recognize myself. It was really cool to see.  After the segment finished, I asked my son what he had thought.  He was featured (via pictures) in the presentation as well.  He goes, "It was a great segment, but I should have gotten more air time.".  Cue the sound of the needle screeching across the record.  Come again, dude?  This started a conversation about how this wasn't about him, but more about me.  I asked him what he was thinking about Mom stepping more and more into my soul blueprint. I could see that my changing is bothering him.  We talked about how no matter what is happening in my life, he is still my son and I am still his Mom, my most important job in life.

I've been excited to see the love and outpouring from folks wishing me well on my journey.  I've had people who I haven't heard from in years step in and congratulate me. I've had people I talk to every day not say a word.  As I sit here and ponder that, it makes me wonder why.  Why can't they acknowledge the things that I am doing?  Why can't I even get a "good job"?  It's then that I realize that I am looking for validation when in fact I should be validating myself.  It's getting back into that need to be loved and liked.  As long as I love and like myself, everything else is just icing on the cake.

Bottom line is, when you change out of your "old" self and into someone new, there are always going to be some folks who can't handle it for some reason.  It could be that they have dreams they have put on a shelf or feel that if you change they have to. I'm not asking anyone around me to change.  That's not my right.  What my right is is to step into my best self possible and to share my gifts with the world.  That is my mission right now. I've had incredible opportunities and blessings. I want to pay that forward!

“Sail beyond the horizon; fly higher than you ever thought possible; magnify your existence by helping others; be kind to people and animals of all shapes and sizes; be true to what you value most; shine your light on the world; and be the person you were born to be.”  - Blake Beattie

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Are you ready to say yes to your soul by shifting your perspective to create something extraordinary? I invite you to contact me via email at to discuss how I can help you to make your next chapter better than your last.

Please also follow me on my Facebook Page: Trish Walker or via Twitter (Trish Walker@50foraYear).

The Elephant in The Room!

"But it's family, you haaaave too."  That's the message that we all can get when it comes to dealing with those folks who share a bloodline and nothing more.  It's family, you have to.  Well, I'm here to dispel that myth. Just because it's family, doesn't mean you have to do anything. You can choose to do it, but you don't have to.  After all, family are humans just like the rest of us. Family seemed to me to be the "safe haven". It seemed to be the place where I could go and get advice, love and support.  In my adult days, I see more and more that I get this love and support more from my friend tribe than I do from my family.  It's making me stop, take breathes and work through some grief issues.  I bought into that family story that they are there for you whatever and whenever.

Today I am clearing out some old patterns. I'm tuning into clear Source energy to move through and clear my energy.  It's taking some work for me, it's tiring me out but today is the first day where I have woken up and see that I can get through this.  I don't have to stick with my story.  I also have to let go of the belief that just because they are family, they will always be there for you.

Let me share with you a way to move through the energy.  You need to get out of your head. You have to start feeling your deeper self. You have to start tuning in and knowing our soul is one of our greatest guides. WE have to listen. One of the ways to listen.  Take a breathe in through the nose, see how deeply you can breathe.  Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth and exhale.  What comes up for you?  It's a very healing practice.  It won't get better with the first round, but know that this is something that you can come back to time and time again as a sort of anchor.

Getting back to the "You have to because it's family..." motto, know that you don't have to do anything.  It's time to step up and make my own path.  Focus my energy on my own support group and treasure them for the gifts that they are.  I love each and every one of them.

"Friends are family you get to choose!" - Unknown

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Are you ready to say yes to your soul by shifting your perspective to create something extraordinary? I invite you to contact me via email at to discuss how I can help you to make your next chapter better than your last.

Please also follow me on my Facebook Page: Trish Walker or via Twitter (Trish Walker@50foraYear).

From This Day Forward!

It was a big, big day.  It's Election Day 2016. Regardless of the outcome, it's been quite the journey.  The signs went up six months ago.  It's been a long six months of opinions, accusing, non-support etc. I tried to stay put today and not go out to much.  However, real life gets in the way.  As I made my way into a restaurant to pick up a sandwich, a young man came at me and said, "Well, who did you vote for?".  His co-worker told him that that was rude and to not ask me.  Thanks for coming to my rescue sir.  The person originally asking the question told me that he wasn't going to bother voting because it didn't matter anyway.  I told him that's one way to look at it but to please not complain because not voting doesn't give him that option.

It's been a day full of wonky energy.  People yelling at family members because they didn't vote for who this person thought they should vote for. People saying they won't judge, but then do judge.  Through it all I have sat back and observed.  I've observed some really bad behavior but also some beautiful behavior.

I've set my Facebook feeds up for high vibe folks for the most part.  Their posts today were beautiful.  One in particular by Michael Franti talked about love.  How we need love right now but more importably how love needs us right now.  It was a feel good watch.

By this time tomorrow, I will know who our new president will be.  As relieving as that sounds, I know that there will probably be six more months of whining, attacks and just plain stupidity.  It's up to me how I react.  It's up to me to make my space high vibe.  It's up to me to make the choice to not hang around folks who try and mudsling and bring into my world a bad energy.  Even if it includes family, it's okay to make the choice to not be a part of their every day.

P.S.  It's the day after and we all know who won.  I woke up to blazing headlines, fear (not mine), again hatred, etc.  A light went off in my head.  I can do this differently.  I can not get sucked into the rhetoric.  From this day forward, I am going to take on a light way of doing things.  I truly feel that this country needed a wake-up call.  It came in the form that it did, whether you think it is good or bad.  The fact that so many people didn't vote but are still complaining is a testament to what I am referring to.  I spoke to my son at great lengths this morning about how we can walk away from the drama.  We can decide that from this day forward, we will put our energies into the good.  When you put energy towards something, either negative or positive energy, it still gives that entity power.  In the case of either candidate, this current mood of the country was going to happen.  We can just trust from this day forward that the good will rise up and that people will start to pay attention to what we need to do to prepare for the next election so that we are not in this situation again.

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Are you ready to say yes to your soul by shifting your perspective to create something extraordinary? I invite you to contact me via email at to discuss how I can help you to make your next chapter better than your last.

Please also follow me on my Facebook Page: Trish Walker or via Twitter (Trish Walker@50foraYear).


My New Normal: Excitement for the Future!

I am working a new process here today.  My husband is moving out of the house.  It's been a few years coming and I woke up this morning and said, it's here. It's really here.  I am at a crossroads and can do one of two things:  I can sulk and live in fear or I can rock this.  I am going to take the other path and build myself up to my highest vibration. It's been a long run, a long cycle, but we are both going into this new phase with the understanding that we will still be in a relationship (hopefully happy and healthy) where we can co-parent our child. As I sit here at my desk, I realize that I am letting go of an old story and getting ready to build a new one.  It's exciting, it's scary, but most of all it's just that, a blank slate.  I get to put the words on there that I want. I get to decide my experiences, feel those feelings and make my own decisions.  It feels a wee bit overwhelming right now to me, so I am going to take a moment to focus on self-care and love for myself and our child.

I can't tell you how appreciative of my husband I am (I need to come up with a term for this new reality but am stumped at the moment).  He has given me my child, financial stability for years and just always has been there.  Why then, do you ask?  We also have been caught in a gerbil wheel of enabling each other to not be our best selves. It was when I finally became uncomfortable in my dysfunction that I discussed with him our need to go our separate ways.  For once, he agreed with me.

As I navigate my new normal, I am going to keep going back to my "roots".  My spiritual practices each morning, my work-outs, and my having fun.  It can get easy to get caught up in what others think you should do: drama, blaming, etc.  However, in this one, we are 50/50.  We both have verbalized that we wish no drama.  In fact, I'm not sure folks will even know what is going on because it has been that low key.  I love this.  I love this new way of thinking and not conforming to what society deems a separating couple's way to act.  How cool is this?

I'm looking forward to my new future.  It will have it's ups and downs, but the tools I am acquiring are giving me strength like I have never had before.  I spent a good part of today wallowing in a feeling that I don't think I have felt before. Was it sadness, grief, fear, or something else?  I'm just not sure.  I reached out to someone today and they said to keep moving.  Stay active and keep moving so those old thoughts and patterns keep moving out of my body.

Again, I look forward to my new future, new adventures and this life that I am now living! For each day, I am grateful.

"The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless your forgive the situation, unless you realize the situation is over, you cannot move forward."  - Steve Maraboli

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Are you ready to say yes to your soul by shifting your perspective to create something extraordinary? I invite you to contact me via email at to discuss how I can help you to make your next chapter better than your last.

Please also follow me on my Facebook Page: Trish Walker or via Twitter (Trish Walker@50foraYear).



A Moment of Calm with Adam Levine

Adam Levine and his band Maroon 5 sure know how to rock out with a crowd.  I went to see them in concert Saturday night and was pleasantly surprised by the energy, talent, and fun that can be had at one of their shows.  It also gave me a big taste of how completely disconnected this world is becoming.  It left me with a feeling of sadness along with a side of hope (more on that later). As the warm-up band began to play, the two ladies sitting to my left immediately pulled out their phones.  Wait, let me re-word that because they didn't have to pull them out, they were glued to their hands.  Now these were no teenagers, these were middle-aged ladies such as myself.  This makes it even worse.  Anyhow, over the next two or so hours, these two ladies proceeded to take a selfie, post it on Facebook, keep checking Facebook to see who commented, video every song (will they ever watch these videos?), and finally, deep breathe in, start to play Candy Crush when they got bored.  Excuse me ma'am, but why did you come to the concert?

I started the evening getting very inflamed that this was going on.  Why didn't I say something?  Well, they were so many cocktails in, that I figured that it would be more work than I could imagine.  In the midst of all of this, I decided that I had a decision to make.  I could continue to let them ruin my night, or I could switch things around.  I chose the latter.  During the break between bands, I turned to the young couple behind me and we started to talk.  Yes, have a conversation.  This in turn, started to include a few more folks who saw what we were doing.  We talked about how there is no connections in the world.  These two young folks were high school teachers.  What they told me about kids and phones proceeded to break my heart.  Again, a choice. I have a son.  I can start by making a difference with both him and myself.

As the show continued on, it became very apparent that there was a lot of phone usage. At one point in the show, Adam Levine (bless his soul) actually said to the crowd that it was time to try something different during the next show.  He asked everyone to please put their phones away.  There were one or two folks who just couldn't part with it, but overall, the arena got really still, quiet and the only sound you heard was Adam and his guitarist belting out their song.  The energy shifted to one of folks being present, engaged and creative.  It was unbelievable.  Alas, after the song was over, Adam told folks they could go back to their old ways.  He did pause long enough to say, "Wasn't that really nice?".  I hope that a few folks really saw the connections and might make a difference in their lives.  Well, I'm sure you were wondering about Thing One and Two next to me.  Their phones came right back out!!  I wish them well on their journeys.

The concert was the highlight of my birthday weekend.  I knew every song, loved the music and had a great time.  The last song of the night that was played was Purple Rain by Prince.  It gave me chills and made me realize that our time here on Earth is short. We can spend it on our phones, creating drama in our lives, or we can hook into a collective of connection, love, friends and family.  The world right now is one of chaos, commotion and lack of connectiveness.  My hope is that something shifts soon. I can do my part, help my son to do his and send love and best wishes to everyone else.

“You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.” ― John Lennon

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Are you ready to say yes to your soul by shifting your perspective to create something extraordinary? I invite you to contact me via email at to discuss how I can help you to make your next chapter better than your last.

Please also follow me on my Facebook Page: Trish Walker or via Twitter (Trish Walker@50foraYear).




Be Your Own Hero!!

At a lovely dinner last night here in Park City, I had a conversation with a good friend of mine.  We were talking about finding your purpose in life and how it feels when you just don't know what that is.  We talked around the subject and then came to the realization that you know your purpose, it's inside of you just waiting to get out.  There are quite a few folks in the world who are already living their purpose, but I would have to guess that there are more who are not.  They are stuck in jobs they don't like, relationships that aren't working and are not saying yes to their souls. Fast forward an appetizer or two, and we came up with the lovely conclusion that you do have your purpose inside of you.  It's the unlocking of steps to get you to that a-ha moment, that lovely, yummy version of yourself.  The one where you no longer feel that emptiness inside and that voice inside your head that says, "I know there is more!"

So, the inevitable question becomes how do we get there?  How do we unlock those steps?  For me it was years of workshops, coaching, therapy, etc.  It's just what I had to do.  It can get frustrating but it's that one coach who will give you the tools to get the job done yourself who will be the most valuable.  We all go to the workshops and hope that "they" give us the answers.  How many of you can relate to this?  When you make that switch to "I can do this!", the answers will flow more easily.

As I continued to talk to my dear friend, we realized that you can work on finding your passion at night while still in your day job.  Just start!  Just start with small steps and it will keep the momentum building and the energy going forward.  It's when you stop and try and re-start a few months later that you have problems getting the energy up to full speed.  Try it, just do three things a day.  Sit down and write three things a day that you want to accomplish.  The feeling of completing those three things will have you feeling so good, you will continue with the rest of that long to-do list.  Baby steps, my dear, baby steps.

It took me 50 years to finally see what my purpose here on earth was.  Some folks are blessed to find it way early and some way later than me.  It's that acceptance of knowing that it is inside of you and that you eventually will have the tools to tease it out that will make your life so much richer!

“Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there’s love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.” —Ella Fitzgerald

“I’ve been absolutely terrified every moment of my life and I’ve never let it keep me from doing a single thing that I wanted to do.” — Georgia O’Keefe

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Check out my new book @


Are you ready to say yes to your soul by shifting your perspective to create something extraordinary? I invite you to contact me via email at to discuss how I can help you to make your next chapter better than your last.

Please also follow me on my Facebook Page: Trish Walker or via Twitter (Trish Walker@50foraYear).





What John F. Kennedy Jr. Taught Me About Life!

Happy September.  It's been awhile since I have posted, but life has been busy.  What you are about to see is the changing of the tone of this blog.  I've finished up my goal of doing my 50 for a Year.  It's turned my life around.  I'm very, very close to the publication of my new book, "Oh Honey, I'm Just Getting Started...  Consciously Create Your Next Decade".  This is opening up avenues to me that I never thought possible.  I'm booking some speaking gigs, launching coaching programs and enjoying the "new me".  If you asked me a year or so ago if I would be writing a book and fulfilling my Divine Purpose, I would have looked at you with crossed eyes.  I'm here to tell you that today, I'm stepping into that Divine Purpose.  So hang on tight as I explain the day that I had yesterday. A beautiful friend of mine, who just happens to be a shaman, decided that she could assist me in figuring out why my right foot has been hurting for over two months.  I broke my foot last year.  It healed up but started to hurt me again this summer.  I've tried everything from chiropractic, to acupuncture to energy healing.  So this particular day, I decided to ask my friend to release some energy in my foot and see if that would help.  Little did I know that it would be an adventure that I hadn't planned for.

As I was lying on the table, my friend had me down deep in relaxation mode.  In an instant, I started to feel as if I were under water. I told her that I was feeling "murky".  It felt like my current life situation at the moment.  As she was working on me, I started to have a very clear vision of John F. Kennedy Jr. who died in a plane crash way too young. It was as if he was there with me in the water and at some point started to push me towards the top. I literally felt like I was in the water looking up through a layer of water.  It was something I have never felt before.  As I was experiencing this, I had a true feeling that he was trying to give me a message of "Life is too short.  Get out there and live your true purpose.".  "It's too late for me, but you still have time to live your best life ever.".  Wow!  What a lesson and what a message.

Since this particular session, I've been trying to put into play what I "heard" that day.  I have been trying to figure out how to do this.  I don't doubt what I went through in that energy session.  I have been feeling more and more like the veil is getting thinner and that those that have passed come back around to help us on earth live our best lives! Hey, if John John tells me to get out there and live my best life ever, you can be sure that I am going to listen.

As my life moves forward into unknown waters, I am adapting the attitude of just let it flow.  Don't get too caught up in details, or try and control the outcome of things.  The Universe is there to back me up and I know I have a "team" that is there for me.  There are some days where I don't trust this but always return to my beliefs.  I take some deep breaths and know that I have back-up.

As part of my life shifts, this blog will be re-named shortly.  There is a lot of exciting things coming down the turnpike for me.  Stay tuned!!

"Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work."  - A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker


Heaven's Not Ready for You Yet!

I just finished watching a Super Soul Sunday on the OWN network.  Oprah Winfrey was interviewing comedian Tracy Morgan.  If you recall, Tracy survived a horrific car crash in 2014.  He was in a medically induced coma for 10 days, during which time he said he talked to his deceased father a few times.  His dad told him, "I'm just not ready for you yet!".  You may not be a believer in the spirit world, but I have had too many instances of things happening where I cannot not believe. After watching the interview with Tracy, I came away with several comments.  He seems still baffled by it all but grateful for the life that he still has.  He doesn't remember the accident but is certainly well aware of the outcome of it.  He said he is not mad at anyone, just very lucky to still be alive.  He treasures each day as the gift that it is.

Tracy talked about what a strong woman his wife was and still is during this whole process.  How would I act in a situation like this?  I'm hoping that I would have the fortitude to see it through to the conclusion.  However, this is not about that.  This is about the fact that your life can turn on a dime.  Tracy said that he was on his way home from a gig and next thing he knew, he was waking up in a hospital.  He doesn't remember the accident but became aware three weeks later that it claimed the life of his mentor and long time friend, Jimmy Mack.

I could tell you repeatedly that you are lucky to be alive.  Some will get it and others will take it for granted.  If one of us were in that situation, how would we react?  Tracy said that if it weren't for his wife and small daughter, he doesn't know if he could have ever pulled out of that coma.  That is a testament to his marriage and child.  Just the positive thought of seeing them both pulled him out of his downward turn.

I hope and pray that I never have to see what I would do in this situation.  This got me to thinking that I am stronger than I give myself credit for.  I've survived the sudden death of my dad and being the one who found him on the floor. I've survived the diagnosis of my mom with Alzheimer's and the almost ten year battle that she went through before she too passed away.  I've gone through more than most people I know and I am still standing and breathing.  I'm tapping into this to get me through my next chapter which will include a lot of changes, hard work and several different outcomes.  I'm happy to be alive, breathing and be at a crossroads in my life where I can basically choose where I want to live and how I will get there.  As I am typing this, I realize that I alone am responsible for my life and what I choose to make of it.  Sitting around down in the dumps could be one way to handle it, but I am making the choice to step up and run my life in a matter that not only my parents would be proud of, but one that more importantly I am proud of!

Every day takes lots of energy to get through certain things in my life.  I'm blessed to have a great tribe with which I can giggle, get hugs and caring advice.  I'm so, so grateful for this.  However, in the end, it's me that has to get it done.  I can make the choice to step up and come out of certain situations whole, intact and thriving.  This summer is all about shifts and learning new skills with which to move forward with these shifts.  I look forward to see what the fall of 2016 will hold for me!

"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." - Maya Angelou

Until My Next Adventure,

P.A. Walker

Are you ready to say yes to your soul by shifting your perspective to create something extraordinary? I invite you to contact me via email at to discuss how I can help you to make your next chapter better than your last.

Please also follow me on my Facebook Page: The Second Half or via Twitter (Patricia A. Walker@50foraYear).


I'm No Longer the Life of the Party!

I used to be the first one out the door when someone had a party.  However, today I realized that hat didn't fit anymore.  My family left me home alone (woo hoo, did they hear the door slam on the way out?) tonight as they went to a gathering at a friend/old neighbor's house.  I made the conscious choice not to go.  I thought about it all day and then realized that the reason I was getting into a bad mood was because I had too much on my plate today and most days.  It is time to slim down my calendar and take better care of myself. I could have made the choice to go, but this week for some reason, I have been feeling an overwhelming energetic pull on me.  I have been steering away from conversations that pull me down such as politics, world and American events.  People look at me like I have three heads when I choose not to partake in these discussions.  My reason is, if I am not willing to step up and do something big about these topics, it's best to put my energies into something that will move myself forward.

Don't get me wrong.  I love the folks that would have been at this particular party, I just don't love the mood I am in right now.  It's best for me to stay home, continue on the path I am on, and use my time for my creative efforts.  If I were to have said yes to tonight, I would have ended up being in a far worse mood because I didn't stop to rest and do self-care when I knew that my body really needed it.  It's time to say yes, just to myself for today.  You know what?  That's perfectly okay!

I used to be that person that thought you had to say yes to everything.  Believe you me, I was a pro.  If I didn't go, so and so would be upset with me.  If I didn't participate, they may never ask me again.  I finally realized that this was pretty egotistical of me because you know what, they are all right with this.  They don't pay that much attention to whether or not I come to a party or not.  What I mean is, they are not keeping score because I still get invitations.  I also think that on some level, there are probably ten other people who upon hearing that I stayed home, secretly wished they were doing exactly what I was doing.  That's okay.  A Saturday night spent in your jammies reading a book, writing a blog or watching a show is awesome.

It's so, so important these days to do self-care.  If we run ourselves ragged, what good are we to others??  Not very much.  So use this as a hall pass on your next invitation that starts at 5:30 and you realize at 5:20 that you didn't even have the energy yet to get up and take a shower!  That was my hint that it was okay to stay home!

Until My Next Adventure,

P.A. Walker

Are you ready to say yes to your soul by shifting your perspective to create something extraordinary? I invite you to contact me via email at to discuss how I can help you to make your next chapter better than your last.

Please also follow me on my Facebook Page: The Second Half or via Twitter (Patricia A. Walker@50foraYear).

Finding Myself Through My Travels!

It's been a few weeks since I have made a blog post.  I was away for an extended road trip and was processing a lot of my stuff while in the car.  What do I mean by this?  I was doing a life examination and seeing where I could make some changes and what needed to go.  I'm back home and ready to rock it.  I had some huge Aha moments and some that threw me for a loop.  I highly recommend this process to anyone who feels stuck. It's a great way to get away and work on some of your "stuff". It's hard to go there, but if you want different results in your life, it's the way to do it.  I realized that you can't sit around and wait for others to change, you have to change your response to things. HappyPlace

Back in my "happy place" - Santa Barbara, Ca., June 2016

I'm a fan of Doreen Virtue (Google her if you aren't familiar, she's amazing!) on both Facebook and Instagram.  Doreen has some great posts just about everyday that always seem to hit me right in the head.  Today's was, "Stay out of the drama, even if for just one day!".  Wow, that's great.  I went out for a bike ride and decided to do it.  Guess what, it was amazing how many ways people tried to bring it to my handlebars.  I'll give you one example.  I had a beautiful monarch butterfly land on the front of my bike. They were all around.  I stopped to enjoy them.  A gentleman was walking by me.  I told him about the butterflies and hoped he would enjoy seeing them as well.  He looked at me and uttered, "Yeah, well this place is also filled with snakes!".  I looked at him and said, "I'm going to focus on the positive!".  That felt really good!  Butterflies vs. snakes, what will you choose?

I'm feeling really good about the future because I realized this past week that you shouldn't even go to the non-existent future.  Take one step at a time.  I was feeling overwhelmed because my book is going to be coming out here very soon.  Why was I not excited?  I was feeling overwhelmed because there is still a lot of steps between here and there.  This is when I realized to stop looking at the future, and to take it in small bites.  Case in point, make a list every day of three things (yes, just three things) to do.  I will let you know that when you feel so good about just getting those three things done, your list will grow and you will have the energy and spirit to finish it.

After driving nearly 2,500 miles, the Aha list was very long.  With my new thinking, I'm going to take that list one at a time.  As long as I do this, I will keep moving forward and my future will sort itself out.  There is a reason I am in the situation I am in right now. It's preparing me for my best self.  If I don't stop long enough and learn the lessons that are being thrown at me right now, how will I ever move forward in a positive manner. As someone wise told me last night, "Different forest, same trees!".  Basically, if I refuse to figure my "stuff" out now, history will just repeat itself.  Take that nugget and go out there and get at it!!


Dinner View at Duke's Malibu!

“You've got to find yourself first. Everything else'll follow.”  ― Charles de Lint, Dreams Underfoot

Until My Next Adventure,

P.A. Walker

Are you ready to say yes to your soul by shifting your perspective to create something extraordinary? I invite you to contact me via email at to schedule a complimentary intuitive coaching session to discuss how to make your second half of life better than your first.

Please also follow me on my Facebook Page: The Second Half or via Twitter (Patricia A. Walker@50foraYear).


Drama Knocked on the Door & I Didn't Answer!

I'm noting a trend in my life this week - drama is coming from all directions.  It made me stop and ponder, since I am the common denominator, where do I need to make some changes?  When you start making changes in your life, it causes a ripple effect among those closest to you.  They see you making changes and wonder if they too, need to do the same.  This produces some interesting reactions.  We've talked about this before on my blog, but since it is coming up yet again, I felt like there needed to be more discussion around it. As you rise on your path, you will find that you are having some folks closest to you try and bring you down.  It's disappointing to say the least.  Case in point, this week I had someone very close to me share news of someone that just wasn't her's to share.  It traveled around, was shared with me, and next thing I knew, I was feeling like I was the bad guy when in fact I tried to shut it down by telling the person sharing it that it wasn't hers to share and I was going to forget she told me.  Confused?  I was too!

Drama will come to you from all avenues, it's your reaction to it that is what matters. It's a struggle but you will find it easier and easier to rise above each time.  The less time you spend reacting to it, the less drama will come your way.

I'm choosing to take back my power in this situation and cut cords to those that stirred up the drama in the first place.  The Universe is obviously trying to tell me that I need to, yet again, pull in my circle of influence and surround myself with those that lift me up.  It's those folks that create an issue and then don't take personal responsibility for it that will find themselves on the outer layer of my "circle".

I am seeing a trend for what I am calling "rescuer energy" lately too.  I've been there and done that.  Let's spend our day working on other's issues so we don't have to spend time on our own issues.  I get it, it's so much easier that way.  Why bother to address our "stuff" when we can get in the mix of others?  I'm making the choice to no longer step into drama.  There are days where it will show up on my doorstep, but I know I have the personal choice to pretend no one is home!!

“Free yourself from the complexities and drama of your life. Simplify. Look within. Within ourselves we all have the gifts and talents we need to fulfill the purpose we've been blessed with.”  ― Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

Until My Next Adventure,

P.A. Walker

Are you ready to say yes to your soul by shifting your perspective to create something extraordinary? I invite you to contact me via email at to schedule a complimentary 30 minute consultation to discuss how we can work together to make your second half of life better than your first.

Please also follow me on my Facebook Page: The Second Half or via Twitter (Patricia A. Walker@50foraYear).