
Not Another Manic Monday

“ I Love Mondays: 1. A fresh start; 2. The chance to set a new tone for the rest of the week., 3. A great day to be alive!”

            It’s Monday on Week 4 of Quarantine Life.  How’s everyone holding up?  Today feels kind of heavy for me.  It’s like we had this auspicious holiday yesterday that usually uplifts and is a time for resurrection.  Today is Monday.  Nothing has changed for the most part. It’s a lot of just taking one day at a time and waiting and seeing. Does this mean we have to be glum?  No, we can turn this around.  Let’s start right here and now.

            Yes, we are in uncertain times.  Yes, we have no clue what the future holds but I, for one, am ready to make some changes in my life.  The frustrating thing is I’m ready now, but the world is closed down and I can’t leave the house. Where does this leave me?  With time to craft these changes so that they are the best decisions yet.  It also gives me time to work on my goals and dreams.  We are all on this carousel of uncertainty, but we can make the best of these times and think about what we want, instead of what we don’t want.

            Honor your feelings and emotions right now. We are all dealing with certain stages of grief, frustration and for me, the other day, anger.  Like hot, red anger.  I breathed my way through it, recognized what it was and pushed it out of my sphere.  It will come back.  I’m certain but I won’t try and stuff it down. I’ll reach in, look it right in the eye and see what in my life needs to be changed in order to move it through.  I have some great meditation tools that I am happy to share with you!

            We can make little shifts here and there that amount to a big result.  Small is the new big!  If we try and make big changes right now, we are most likely setting ourselves up for a failure and that won’t help in this day and age.  Focus on the solutions instead of the problem.  What action steps can you take today to start moving you towards that ultimate goal?  Some folks have been asking me lately what their ultimate goal is. I can’t answer that for you but can give you some tips and tools.  For example, what is something that keeps coming to mind whilst in house arrest?  Do you fixate on HGTV shows (okay I do)?  Maybe that’s where your career lies.  There are all aspects of real estate that you can go into.  There’s house flipping, buying, selling, renovations, mortgages, etc.  If you keep coming back to this channel again and again, guess what?  You most likely have a passion for all things real estate. Start researching what that would take as a career instead of watching so much of it on television.

            Listen, I get it. I’m here with you during this quarantine. I’m feeling the feelings, shifting the thoughts and processing the grief and anger like most of you are.  It’s great to process feelings but just don’t unpack your bags there.  Keep it moving.  Watch them as if they are movie and say thank you, thank you, next.  We can either be victims or victors in this thing called life. Which group do you want to be in?

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Park City, UT

Check out my “Act As If” program at my website  Set yourself up for success on the other end of world events.  Who do you want to be when we step into our new normal?



A Soul's Legacy of Love

In honor of the third anniversary of the passing of Paul Walker, I'm reposting this!! I woke up this morning to the news that Furious 7, the latest in the Fast and Furious movie franchise, had topped 1.15 billion in ticket sales.  It has had the #1 spot at the box office for three weeks running and it is now the seventh biggest earning movie of all time.  An amazing feat that some are calling the legacy of Paul Walker.

My first for today is that I am going to find my voice [something that has taken me a long time to do] and go up against some folks who are stating that Paul Walker's legacy is that he left this world by having a billion dollar movie.  I know it definitely is part of his legacy, but as I have stated in a previous blog post, the legacy goes beyond so much more than that.

Over the weekend I had an awesome girl's day with a soul sister of mine.  She excitedly asked me how my trip to LA went for the Furious 7 premier (reference Blog Post from 4/9).  Can I tell you how nice that was?  Someone made a point to ask me about one of the highlights of my year.  Heidi, a hug to you for putting that out there.  Again, I cannot tell you how much that meant to me.

I was asked to describe the feeling of being at the movie premier.  This lead me to writing this blog post.  The question brought me back to what I was feeling on that exact night.  While I was standing amongst so many people from so many walks of life, I realized that what Paul Walker's legacy exemplified was sitting right there in that theater on this warm April night.

On April 1st hundreds of people gathered to celebrate not only the release of his last film, but also to celebrate the person that Paul was.  I won't pretend to know him because I had never met him before his untimely death.  To be honest, before his passing, I had never seen any of his films or been familiar with him as an actor.  I am now getting a really good picture of what he truly must have been like upon meeting some folks who were in his "circle".

For that one night, I felt like all was right with the world.  All was right with the world because I felt such true and utter love.  I felt and saw what his family meant to him and what he meant to his family.  His family was not just biological but situational.  His friends and his fans all gathered together in one spot.  All the love poured out and for one night everyone focused their love on one thing - Paul.  How cool that so much energy was so big in one place.  I saw the effects of what everyone focusing love, instead of say hate or anger, had on a crowd and had on the world.

Getting back to that amazing billion dollar mark, here are my thoughts.  I think that for this small moment in time, people around the world are clamoring to get that same great feeling that I did that night in Hollywood.  I see folks leave the movie theater (having seen it again just this past weekend) with a look on their faces of pure and utter love.  Everyone is leaving the theater in a peaceful, yet emotional state.  Perhaps it is giving them all the impetus to reach out and share their love with someone else.  We never know when our time, or that of a loved one, will come to an end.

So, in closing, Paul, I think that your legacy reaches more than just the box office numbers.  I truly believe that your legacy is one of joining the world together no matter what their race, ethnic, financial, gender or any other group may be.  No matter where someone comes from, you have proven that we can all get along together as long as you throw in that component of love.

Until my next adventure,

P.A. Walker

P.S.  Not to diminish other parts of Paul's legacy, please check out his great work with his charity Reach Out Worldwide (


Love and Acceptance

I was lying in bed this Monday morning getting a little sad. I realized that I did not have some sort of fun adventure planned for this week. It is going to be a week full of work, spring cleaning and being the Mom taxi that I am. However, as I was out on my morning walk, I had the clear realization that life’s adventures and new things (aha moments) are not just about fun, travel, etc. They also can come in the form of a life lesson that sets you up for future greatness. I was joined on my walk this morning by my husband. Today is our 15th wedding anniversary. We were reminiscing about the last 15 years and all the ups and downs that we have had. We are currently in a pattern in our relationship where we are working on ourselves. We have realized that in order to move forward in a positive and loving way to each other, that it was time to step back and take care of ourselves. This has come in the form of therapy, energy work, yoga, mediation, life coaching and several other modalities. It’s been a slow process, but one that seems to be moving in a forward and positive direction.


What brought up the aha moment was that we were discussing a family member that we were both getting frustrated with. We know deep in our hearts that his indecisions and fear hold him back from living his true potential. It’s been a source of frustration for years. However, today I had a moment, for my first time ever, where I stopped and said, “I was taught the difference between what I could and could not control!” It’s taken me years of self-work to do this, yet this family member has not done this at all. He has made the conscious choice to stay stuck in old limiting beliefs and patterns.

I turned the conversation around to, “Why do we spend so much energy on worrying about this person?” It’s because we are not taking that energy and putting it on our own journey. It’s super easy to put your attention on someone else so you don’t have to take care of your own issues. I will go a few steps forward and then revert back to this old pattern of “worrying and trying to fix” someone else. How convenient!  This takes my time away from me and makes me think I am using it for a valid reason!

Today was a great first for me. I was able to realize that I was doing that. I also saw for the first time that it is time to let this family member live his own life. He is on his own path, we just have to accept and love him. Here is a quote I heard today and I believe it is from AA:

"And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation — some fact of my life — unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment."

What aha moments have you come up with today? Would love to hear your stories!

Until my next adventure,

P.A. Walker