Two Beliefs, One World


“People will always have opposing views and I suppose there will always be conflict and even misunderstanding; but the principle of mutual respect mixed with charity and forgiveness lay the foundation for the resolving of differences and the solving of problems.” – Loren C. Dunn, Before I Build a Wall 

Today has been a total eye opener.  I woke up with a sense of rage in my body and getting on social media didn’t help that process.  I was hit with stories of fires, political slamming and the proverbial “What Next?” question.  It finally set me off.  For those of you who know me, it takes a lot to piss me off.  I’ve always said that I will be the one to blow and the reporter from CNN will hear my neighbor say, but she seemed like such a nice lady.  Just kidding, I’d never get to that point.

I had had it. I did a post on Facebook saying, well, I was ready to quit Facebook.  I had enough of people who I thought highly of slamming the president and his opponent. I was tired of people sitting around waiting for that “next scary thing” to happen.  What had me the most disappointed, was those high vibe friends of mine who were scurrying down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories.  I had to BE RIGHT.  Can I just say that this need to be right is a tough one to overcome?  I had to be right that they were wrong.  This is an MO for me and my family.  However, I’m doing my best to change it.  By doing that post today, I was privy to the usual, please don’t quit Facebook, we love your posts.  I so, so appreciate those folks in my life.

The comments, however, that got me thinking in a bigger way were the ones challenging me.  Hmmm, this is interesting. What did I need to learn at this moment?  A wild aha moment hit me, no slapped me, in the face.  I had the need to be right that they were wrong.  It was time for me to get out of that trap of a way of thinking. Maybe they were right, and I was wrong.  It was time for me to educate myself and stop being like I have for the past 50+ years. It’s time for me to jump in and get other people’s stories.

I have been having the nudge to do a podcast for about six months now.  Well, no time like the present.  It’s time for me to go out and explore what other’s might be thinking.  This brings me to a point in my life where I watched a movie produced by Katie Couric about the dangers of eating sugar. It was very eye opening to see that some people just didn’t have the education to know enough to not eat a lot of sugar.  Maybe this is what I am supposed to be doing.  Getting educated so I can educate others.


Listen, right now our country is in a major turmoil.  Having people fighting each other in order to be right does not help the situation.  With that in mind, I’m going to be launching my new podcast, “Two Views, One World” very shortly.  I’d love for you to be a guest.  If we have opposing views on something, even better.  I usually back down from conflict but in this case, I want to hear what you have to say.  Let’s see if we can educate each other and bring forth a more beautiful way of going through life.

Trish Walker

Park City, Utah

May the 4th Be With You

“A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.”

“Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger… anger leads to hate… hate leads to suffering.” – Yoda

            Who knew Yoda had so many good quotes?  Who knew how relevant they are to today’s world?  We are living right now in a time of his quote above about fear.  There is so much anger and hate right now going on in this world.  How does one deal with this and move on with a prosperous life?  Here is my Yoda like quote for today, “One must stay in one’s own lane.  Go within!”  The better you are about going inside of yourself for your answers, the more you will radiate goodness out into the world.

            This weekend was one of shifts and emotional upheavals for me.  I had a few things trigger me (imagine that) and just felt, well, kind of hopeless.  I woke up today with a new attitude and ready to march into my week. Something shifted overnight. I had clear visions and words coming through to me and therefore my sleep wasn’t going so well. The interesting thing is I woke up feeling refreshed.  The Universe was giving me lessons and still taking care of me at the same time.  For that I am grateful.

            The lessons coming through last night were, I believe, sparked by me reading Alicia Keys’ new memoir, More Myself.  She peels back the layers of herself as she continues along on her journey of life.  Each layer reveals a deeper part of her. I am only half way through the book and already can’t wait for the ending to see where she ends up on this path.  She talks a lot about energetics, especially around the words that come out of your mouth.  I totally dig all of this myself. What we put out to the Universe, will come back to us bigger.  For example, if you keep complaining, you are going to attract more things to complain about.  I stopped and realized what my thinking had been the last few months – completely stinking thinking. Today was a new day!

            Another of the lessons that came through last night were around who you surround yourself with and the conversations that you have with them.  I decided this morning to make a list of inspirational people that I would invite to a party to absorb their good energy.  Of course, Alicia and her husband made the list.  Reading their stories in this book made me realize that they surround themselves with high vibe folks. This is super important if you want to bring those high vibes into your own life.  I felt last night that I let go a part of my life that had me having conversations with folks that were low vibes.  I literally saw the cords being cut and felt that energy go away.

   We are being constantly reminded, especially lately, that time is of the essence.  Time, words, and energy are a big deal if you want to live that big, prosperous life.  Focusing on lack will bring you more lack.  Today I choose to focus on prosperity and am opening myself up to receive the abundance I know that is out there for me.  There is enough around for everyone, we just have to want it bad enough. This week will be one of quiet and clarity.  I’m ready to put together the big picture of what I want from life and what I want to give out in life.  If I am prosperous than I can help others. I must put my own oxygen mask on first.

 Until My Next Adventure,

 Trish Walker

 Check out my “Act As If” program at my website  Set yourself up for success on the other end of world events.  Who do you want to be when we step into our new normal?



Feeling A Stuckness

“Someday everything will make perfect sense.  So, for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.” 

            My goal for this pandemic was to get up every Monday and write up a blog post.  This week I couldn’t do it.  No matter what I did, I felt the word “stuck”.  I don’t like to even use that word because what I realize is that you are not really stuck but refusing to budge.  There is something that you are supposed to be doing and you refuse to see any way to do it.  This was me and to some extent, it still feels that way. I’m feeling on edge. I’m feeling like I can’t do anything right now due to current circumstances. I’m at Week #8, I think, and it’s getting real.  Even though our governor said things will start re-opening, I’m feeling like this will go on for a long time.

            It is not something going on but more that life has completely changed in a short, short time.  I go out and see people worrying about whether people are wearing masks or not.  I see that life at Shake Shack (our treat for today) has morphed into people sitting in their hot cars and the masked workers bringing bags to the cars.  It’s sad for me and that is where I have the opportunity to shift my thinking and my reality.  This is what life will look like for, probably the rest of the year.  If I don’t shift my thoughts, it’s going to be a long 2020.

            I remember waking up on New Year’s Day thinking that 2020 was going to be an amazing year for many reasons. Little did I know that it would be a different year from any that I have ever experienced in my life.  I was working full-time for the first time in a long time due to some life circumstances.  I got super sick in February (thinking now I had the “rona”), I was forced to quit my job due to the illness and then the wave hit.  I went from a high to a low.  We all did.  No one knew what was coming or how to prepare for it.  It’s how we come out the other side of this that will determine our future.

            Each day I get up and gauge how my day is going to go.  What key I was missing is that I have the power to make how my day goes.  I stick to a schedule of meditation, walking, etc.  Today my son and I deviated from our schedule and went out for lunch and to pick something up from a friend’s house.  We both got so thrown off, we came home and took a deep nap.  I woke up thinking, is everything going to make me tired and in need a nap?  I sure hope not.

            I believe the message I am getting today is to continue living in the day by day mindset for now.  Stick with my schedule, look at my next right steps, and then step into my best future.  I’m sticking to my exercise routine, doing my writing and looking for future opportunities.  If that’s “all” I am doing right now, that’s a lot better than binge watching Netflix and eating Thin Mints. Well, the Thin Mints, they were gone the first week of this pandemic.

Life is what we make it. We are the architects of our lives.  What will you do with yours?

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

 Check out my “Act As If” program at my website  Set yourself up for success on the other end of world events.  Who do you want to be when we step into our new normal?



“If we can just let go and trust that things will work out the way they're supposed to, without trying to control the outcome, then we can begin to enjoy the moment more fully. The joy of the freedom it brings becomes more pleasurable than the experience itself.” 

            This morning’s nudge came in the form of just one single word. Release!  Release what no longer serves you.  It’s a message that I think a lot, and I mean a lot, of folks are getting right now.  Release what no longer serves you.  When we hold so tight to how things should look, then we can complicate our lives exponentially.  Right now, we really only have control over us and our futures.  We can create the future that we want if we release and let go of that which no longer serves us. 

            Peace begins when you decide to let go of that which you cannot control.  I think that in this stage of this stay-at-home order we are all either taking it one day at a time or spending our days steeped in fear and anxiety.  If you are the fear and anxiety type, what are you getting done to lay into place your future?  Where are you taking steps to come out of all of this perhaps humbler and calmer than before?  I’m not belittling the big things we are all going through, I’m just suggesting that perhaps it’s time to turn around your thinking and get back to the basics.

            For me this looks like re-working what I thought I would be doing during the day and seeing that there is something else in store for me. I have a lot of ideas as an entrepreneur but for the foreseeable future, I’ll be looking for a different source of income.  That doesn’t mean I have to put my dreams on a shelf, it just means that I will re-work my schedule and do those dreams during the nights and weekends.  A shift in perspective for sure, but one that is needed to help me, and my son navigate our futures in the healthiest way possible.  Along with that will be a new place to live in the near future. Where we are now may just hold memories of this stay-at-home order and that is not something that I want to bring into my future with me.  Only the lessons of things that will help me step into a better future.

            I had a long chat with my son yesterday around getting himself ready to navigate what will most likely not be his “old” life.  Some friends are having to leave the area due to job changes for their parents.  We talked about how if friends were true friends, they would always be in his life no matter where we all landed.  A hard concept for a 15-year-old to understand but one that he seemed to be finally starting to look at.  The old saying what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger is certainly true during this time.  We are being given a reset button on the old things in our lives that didn’t work anymore.  There is joy in that.  I realized yesterday that just a short hike and a drive-thru hamburger combined with conversation with my teen gave me the best day I’ve had in a long time.  In the past, it would have involved lots of money and an outing to an expensive video game arena.

            So, my friends, what are you quickly realizing that you need to release?  Is it certain things that you no longer need?  Clean out that clutter.  Is it that big house and fancy car that you bought to impress someone else?   Time to downsize and get back to the basics because right now no one is looking or even cares. They are too busy working out the details of their own lives.  When we went out for our hike yesterday, we drove through a town that has a large amount of building going on. The houses being built are gigantic.  My thought was, I wonder how these people feel now. Is this giant house even important anymore?

            We are in uncertain times; however, we can still make some of our futures certain.  Today I choose to move forward into a new future but one that for the most part I can create.  It will have pain, heartache, and life lessons, but as long as I am at the rudder, I can feel the empowerment around making decisions to best serve me.  I wish the same for you. Dust off that fear and anxiety and look for the golden nuggets in all of this.  There are always things to be grateful for.

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Check out my “Act As If” program at my website  Set yourself up for success on the other end of world events.  Who do you want to be when we step into our new normal?

The Hate in My State

If I want to be a better person for whoever is in my life, I have to learn.” -Paul Gascoigne

            I woke up this Monday morning determined to get my life back on track after a weekend of Netflix and cookie eating.  I kept justifying it as, “It’s okay, I’m resting.” But I see now that what I was doing was absorbing all the negative energy from Facebook, news posts and people around me who were telling me all about what was going on here in my state of Utah.  I know better than this but still got sucked in.  It was reported that over 1,000 people gathered in Salt Lake City to protest the stay-at-home orders.  Help me to understand here.

            There is a deadly virus going around at the moment, yet these folks chose to gather in a large group, many without masks, and fight against something that has helped to lower the numbers of this virus.  It’s as if the collective all got cranky at once and rose up. It was really very fascinating to see.  Do we think that this rally did anything to further the cause?  I’m just not sure.  What I think is that in two weeks we will see a rising of the numbers of virus cases in our state.  This should be interesting. 

            I get that people have a right to their opinions. I get that we have a Bill of Rights, Freedom of Speech, etc. but what I don’t get is that the careless actions of a few hundred people could have devastating effects on the healthcare workers. They are already overworked.  Why would folks want to put them even more in danger and potentially keep the stay-at-home order in place longer?  I’m not saying anyone is wrong, I’m just on a deep dive to understand both sides of the equation here.  I’m also trying to understand where and when the level of hate in my state went up so much?  It’s like the dark is winning and that’s not okay.

            It’s dismaying to me to see people who I thought were of high vibe and are healers, putting up posts on their FB pages spewing anti-everything.  Do you remember the Mother Teresa quote “I won’t go to an anti-war rally, but I will go to a pro-peace rally?”  Energy is everything. That which we give energy to (either good or bad) will grow.  Energy doesn’t differentiate.  If you continually post anti-president pictures, for example, do you really think that is doing anything other than giving him more energy?  It also takes away from the time that you could be staying in your lane and working on yourself.

            Someone asked me the other day for suggestions on how to handle these current times.  I simply said for them to stay in their lane first. Work on yourself. Where are you needing to deep dive and really examine why you are triggered by certain things?  If you are triggered by certain things than you are needing some healing in that area. If you have such deep anger/hatred around a certain topic or person, then go out and do something to better the world.   Feed a homeless person instead of putting up an anti- FB post.  See where I’m going with this?  Instead of spewing more hate into the world, start putting out more love and gratitude.

            I don’t know what will become of all of this, but I do know that I am more motivated than ever to wake up each day and see what I can do to make a difference in this world.  Even if I only help one person my whole life, that may be more than the guy who is spending a lot of time hating.  I wish that every person could read this, and it could trigger something in them to maybe take a step back and see what they are doing?  That five minutes you spent posting and then the hour you spend looking at whether people are commenting, what can you do with that precious time instead?

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Check out my “Act As If” program at my website  Set yourself up for success on the other end of world events.  Who do you want to be when we step into our new normal?


Not Another Manic Monday

“ I Love Mondays: 1. A fresh start; 2. The chance to set a new tone for the rest of the week., 3. A great day to be alive!”

            It’s Monday on Week 4 of Quarantine Life.  How’s everyone holding up?  Today feels kind of heavy for me.  It’s like we had this auspicious holiday yesterday that usually uplifts and is a time for resurrection.  Today is Monday.  Nothing has changed for the most part. It’s a lot of just taking one day at a time and waiting and seeing. Does this mean we have to be glum?  No, we can turn this around.  Let’s start right here and now.

            Yes, we are in uncertain times.  Yes, we have no clue what the future holds but I, for one, am ready to make some changes in my life.  The frustrating thing is I’m ready now, but the world is closed down and I can’t leave the house. Where does this leave me?  With time to craft these changes so that they are the best decisions yet.  It also gives me time to work on my goals and dreams.  We are all on this carousel of uncertainty, but we can make the best of these times and think about what we want, instead of what we don’t want.

            Honor your feelings and emotions right now. We are all dealing with certain stages of grief, frustration and for me, the other day, anger.  Like hot, red anger.  I breathed my way through it, recognized what it was and pushed it out of my sphere.  It will come back.  I’m certain but I won’t try and stuff it down. I’ll reach in, look it right in the eye and see what in my life needs to be changed in order to move it through.  I have some great meditation tools that I am happy to share with you!

            We can make little shifts here and there that amount to a big result.  Small is the new big!  If we try and make big changes right now, we are most likely setting ourselves up for a failure and that won’t help in this day and age.  Focus on the solutions instead of the problem.  What action steps can you take today to start moving you towards that ultimate goal?  Some folks have been asking me lately what their ultimate goal is. I can’t answer that for you but can give you some tips and tools.  For example, what is something that keeps coming to mind whilst in house arrest?  Do you fixate on HGTV shows (okay I do)?  Maybe that’s where your career lies.  There are all aspects of real estate that you can go into.  There’s house flipping, buying, selling, renovations, mortgages, etc.  If you keep coming back to this channel again and again, guess what?  You most likely have a passion for all things real estate. Start researching what that would take as a career instead of watching so much of it on television.

            Listen, I get it. I’m here with you during this quarantine. I’m feeling the feelings, shifting the thoughts and processing the grief and anger like most of you are.  It’s great to process feelings but just don’t unpack your bags there.  Keep it moving.  Watch them as if they are movie and say thank you, thank you, next.  We can either be victims or victors in this thing called life. Which group do you want to be in?

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Park City, UT

Check out my “Act As If” program at my website  Set yourself up for success on the other end of world events.  Who do you want to be when we step into our new normal?



Act As If....

Act as if it already happened! Because that's what sets the tone for your future and where you want it to go. 

            I don’t know about you, but these last few weeks in my life have felt rather surreal.  We went from daily life to wondering if the folks passing us in the grocery store are someone we know because their faces are covered up in masks.  I had the idea yesterday to write my name and a smile on my mask.  We have a new normal folks and it’s here to stay for a while. How are you going to make the best of it?

            I seem to be going through the different stages of grief. The first week home, my son and I were like okay this isn’t so bad, we can hang in our jammies and eat all day.  My son told me that he’s trained his whole life for this.  He loves being online with his friends all day.  Week 1 went by in a blur, as did Week 2.  By Week 3, I started to have feelings of grief and disbelief.  I was mourning and didn’t even know it.  I was mourning that I couldn’t just run to the grocery store for something quick. It felt kind of like when my son was a newborn and you have those pangs of not being able to go anywhere suddenly or quickly because you have the car seat, baby, diapers.  Things have to be thought out in a much more hygienic way.

            We settled into a new routine at the start of this week.  It was while I was lying in bed last night that I got a very clear message that simply had three words to it. “Act As If…”.  What the heck does that even mean Universe?  Act As If…… I’ve since woken up, had my coffee and sat down with my journal to explore that a bit more in detail.  What my interpretation is, don’t wait for the hard stop.  Don’t wait to do things until this “time in history” is over.  Start doing life differently now.

            If we stay in action, our days will become more productive.  If we stay in action, we can start moving our lives toward what we want to be when we come out of all of this.  It’s not going to be that we just wake up one day and everything goes back to “normal”. I’m here to tell you folks that that is not going to happen. It may be more of a gradual re-awakening.  Businesses we once loved, may be no more.  It may make space for other things to come in that we love more.  All we can do during these days is to create our own future.  One of my favorite sayings is, “If you don’t know what the future holds, then create the future yourself.”.  Say that out loud and think about how empowering that is.

            I love to help folks. I love to help them shift their mindsets, businesses, futures, etc.  With that in mind, I’ve decided to offer a six-week program called “Act As If”.  I want to be here for you during this time of homebound days.  By keeping you accountable to your goals/dreams, you can stay on track to step out of this trying time in history and into your new normal.  Who do you want to be when this is all over?  What would you have done differently if you knew this was going to happen?

            Six weeks of weekly phone calls, energy clearings, and constant email support for you during a time when you may be starting to think that things will have to be different.  Different times mean different operating systems.  Our weekly phone calls will be 30 minutes of accountability, downloads and next right steps.  I’m doing a similar program with my coach and it has been immensely helpful for keeping me on track and for those days when I do veer off track, it resets me rather quickly.

If you want to know more or are interested, reach out to me via Messenger.  You can email me at

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Park City, UT





Hope Vs: Hopeless: Navigating a Whole New World

Note: It’s been a very long time since I have put up a new blog post. With the events going on in the world, I’m suddenly finding myself feeling more creative and with new priorities. My writing is bubbling to the surface and I’m wanting to reach out to the world! Stay tuned over the next few weeks as I chronicle life inside of my stay-at-home bubble. I pray that each and every one of you is happy and healthy.

“When you can’t control what’s happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening.  That’s where your power is.” - Unknown

It’s been three weeks of being homebound now while we navigate this time in history of a pandemic.  All of us are vacillating between moods. Yesterday it was one of those nap days. There seemed to be a heavy energy in the air, and I couldn’t identify what it was until later in the evening when I was on a call with my good vibe tribe.  Everyone on the call was feeling the same mood.  It was one of those moments where we have to make the decision to either give up or get back in the game.  We don’t know when this is going to end. That part right there is enough to do someone in.  However, we have a choice to act as if… this will end. I’m not sure when but again, who do I want to be on the other end of it?

The creative ideas for me have been flowing in at a constant rate.  Yesterday I could hardly pick up my hand to write them down.  I took a nap, went for a walk and danced around the ideas all day, finally giving up and going to bed.  However, this morning I actually woke up with an twinge of excitement.  I thought about all the cool things I would be implementing when “this” was over, and we were back to a new normal. We aren’t going back to the old, we are stepping into the new and for some, that brings grief. For me, that brings nostalgia and grief.  I caught myself this morning wishing I could just go over and stroll the aisles of TJ Maxx and see the lady who constantly badgers me to sign up for the Rewards card because I can save 10% off my purchases.  Why did I ever take her for granted? 

This is a moment like no other in history. It’s a moment to dig deep and make big personal choices around how you want to operate the rest of your life.  You can sit around and say, I now have the time to write that book. Yet you don’t pick up the pen and then go back to your Netflix watching.  You can actually get up and write that book and think about when you can publish it, plan your book tour etc.  If we get excited about something, it makes the day go by so much faster and by being more creative, you are actually boosting your immune system.

Each day I am learning to let go of more and more.  It’s not my business how others are coping.  It’s not my obligation to fix everyone.  What I can do in my lane is show folks tips and tools on how to use this time to the fullest. There are gifts in this time at home.  Spring cleaning, bonding with kids, learning new ways of communication that help immensely when you are quarantined with someone who you don’t usually see a lot.  We have been able to have family meetings and air out some old things to make room for new ways of doing things.

What can you do today to step into a new way of doing things?  Can you list the attributes of where you want to live next?  Can you visualize a new way of working your business?  I saw an amazing example of that yesterday. A recruiting company had quickly shifted to helping small business owners navigate the ins and outs of getting funding from the government stimulus package. In two days they had completely re-worked their business model into something that will most likely bring them in even more revenue. That’s so brilliant.

With these new times, feeling like you “have” to go big and create something new can be daunting or make you feel guilty if you don’t write the next great American novel. Stop that right now. Your “new” way may just be forgiving someone who you think wronged you. It could be learning to cook a new dish. People operate in different ways. Do not go into comparison or shame but just this about how you want to walk out the other end of this. If you are, indeed, sitting around watching Netflix all day, how will your system react when you have to get up and go back to your office. All good things to think about.

 Folks, I urge you to reach way down inside and find that inner strength I know you have.  Don’t numb yourself.  Start a creative project. Find a new passion and hobby. As always, if you need a check-in or want to chat about your next right steps or how to navigate these times, do not hesitate to contact me through my website at

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Park City, UT.

What Are You Waiting For?

What are you waiting for?  Seriously?  The perfect website, the perfect time, for the Universe?  Waiting makes you feel safe. I get it. I do it all the time. I’ll eat like crap today because I’m going to start my diet on Monday.  I won’t move forward in my business until I have more training.  We do this to feel safe. It keeps us safe if we don’t just jump in today. Let’s work on getting out of that habit, shall we?

            Waiting to do something means for the time being we don’t need to do it. If I don’t pack boxes today, then that means I’m not really moving at the end of this week. This was my son’s motto this weekend. I had to be the reality check and tell him that with or without his boxes, we have to move this weekend.  If he doesn’t pack his stuff, it may just end up being moved into storage or worse, being thrown out. That motivated him a lot.  It shouldn’t have to be so drastic though.  It should be a comfortable pace. However, sometimes we need to be jolted into doing something. Maybe you get a medical diagnosis that could have been alleviated with proper nutrition so now you have to start from scratch with fear and worry.  Maybe you lose a job that you’ve wanted to leave a long time ago and now you are stuck with no future plans when you could have been planning all along.

            I see it all the time with some clients.  They work with me then move onto to someone else to take another training. I’ve learned not to take it personally. It means that they are just not ready to step into who they are supposed to be. I get it. I’m a serial learner myself. As long as I sign up for yet another course, then I don’t have to be fully in what I am here to do. It keeps me small and safe.

            I am not going to wait anymore. Today I am making the decision to step forward and not hide behind yet another course or junk food or…….  Do not get me wrong. Furthering your education is pivotal to staying alive.  Just don’t use it as an excuse to not continue moving forward.  At the start of each day, sit quietly and ask yourself “what are my next right action steps?”. I also think that folks take a lot of courses because they are hoping that they will garner “the answer” from them. Although it might assist you, “the answer” is deep within you already.  Stop and listen! 

            Life moves forward whether we notice it or not.  A Facebook memory popped up from 6 years ago today with a picture of my son. He was so little and now this morning, he stomps off to the bus for 9thgrade.  It goes by so fast.  I know this is a cliché but believe it. It really does go by fast.  Do you want to be “jolted” into something or do you want to have the pleasure of planning out and taking action one day at time so that it leads you to your dreams?  Being jolted into your future may be what you need but let’s figure out what you can do that’s a lot more gentler.

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

P.S. If you would like to schedule a free 30-minute session on how to get to your next right steps, click on my scheduling page today.  You’re worth it.



A Whole New World

            As I type this, there have been two mass shootings in the last few days. It’s gotten to the point that I don’t react anymore and that’s what worries me. The numbness. The expectation that there might be others because some copy cat is sitting in their house just waiting for the right time.  So, so sad that we have come to this in our country.

            The feelings I am processing are ones of sadness.  The hate and vitrol on the internet are at epic proportions. How does this serve our fellow man? Why do people feel the need to write such hateful things?  Is it fear? Is it simply a “what are we supposed to be doing about all of this to make it stop?”  Is it frustration at the lack of changes in our system?  I believe that the answer would be D) All of the above. So instead of showing compassion and love, these folks dish out more hate.  This isn’t helping the situation people.

             I took to Facebook just the other day to write that I was going to sit out social media for a day to honor the victims instead of glorifying the hate. The sad part is, I got less likes for this post than I did for a minion meme.  People are literally walking around like chickens without a head because they lack direction.  They just do not know what to do.

            I’m here to help get you started on steps you can take to diminish the fear, the hate and the plain mean posts.  Only follow folks who are uplifting.  One of my favorites is Jay Shetty.  He’s got great videos that really speak to life.  Another person I like to follow is Mel Robbins. Unfollow Uncle Frank who is a gun-toting cranky old white man and follow someone who uplifts instead of having the large need to be right. I’m not saying that Uncle Frank isn’t right, I’m just saying that his way of conversing probably isn’t going to have the word love in it.

             How I am handling all of this is to keep my side of the street clean.  I’m clearing my energy and making sure that the energy I am putting out into the world is one of service.  What can I do to pay-it-forward?  One of the most positive pictures I’ve seen this weekend is the long line of people in El Paso lining up to donate blood.  There were no lines drawn between white, black, American or non-American. It was simply a line of people with the same exact blood in their veins as the guy next to them.  How beautiful was that? Community is what will pull us through.

            When I went out for a hike yesterday to clear my head, I noticed that people were more responsive than usual. I got a lot more good mornings and hellos than I ever have.  People weren’t looking at their phones (yes, this is a common scene on the hiking trails. Come on folks, you are in nature.).  I even saw the wonderful sight of a Dad holdng the hand of his perhaps 15 month old and talking to him in full on conversation about nature. I stopped and thanked him for giving me that precious sight.

            I know it’s scary out there folks.  However, you can take actions to keep yourself clean and clear. Don’t live in anxiety.  This just means they win.  Live your best life.  Say what you need to say to those around you. Express your gratitude every day for even the smallest thing.  Eyes to read with, a laptop to type with, a pen and paper to express yourself.  Take time each and every day to just be grateful for the beauty that is still in the world.

Until My Next Adventure,\

Trish Walker

Park City, UT

Your Future is in Your Faith!

There are times in one’s life where you feel like you are at a stand-still. I was there for months. We had a long winter, I was getting myself settled after my divorce was final and I was just trying to keep my son and myself grounded and safe. It took a wee bit of energy to maintain the new normal so I stayed small. I stayed small so that I could survive instead of thrive. Silly me! I’m now seeing that if I had played full out, my life might be a bit different than where I’m finding myself currently.

I’m getting ready to once again pack moving boxes. I’ll be shifting things around a lot the next few months so that we can stay in our town and my son can stay in his familiar surroundings. This is the plan currently. The Universe may have different ones. It’s been a learning process. I’m learning to have faith that the right things will fall into my lap like a great living situation. I have faith but I’m also taking steps to make certain things are moving forward.

A lot of people have asked me if I’m nervous or worried about giving up my lease without a next step. The interesting thing is I’m actually exhilarated. I’m deciding to do things differently than ever before. Without changing myself, how can things change. I know, your first thought is but what about your son? I’m taking risks but also making sure he is safe in the process. We are both excited about our next steps!

I’m re-reading for the third time the Bad Ass books by Jenn Sincero. I’m really paying attention this time because my desire to do things differently is so huge. I knew that these books were my first right step. Jenn drops a lot of wisdom bombs. Last night’s chapter was all about how your future is in your faith. “Faith is the rocket that you ride into uncharted territory to get to your wildest dreams.”. Don’t you just love that? Jenn went on to say, “If you are serious about creating a new reality, you must do different things and think different thoughts.”. YESSSSS!

I’m so excited to be back on my blog. When I first blogged, my book was born and life changed in big, big ways. I’m ready to up level again and to have you, my readers, come along for the ride. Stay tuned as I will give updates on how doing life differently makes me feel, what gifts it brings and what lessons that I will learn.

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

It's Been a Long Time Without You My Friend!

It’s been way too long blog readers.  I took some time off of writing any posts so that I could focus on my business, my next book and some personal issues that were hitting pretty close to home.  I woke up today and realized that my healing journey can not be complete without getting creative and writing.  I’m happy to report that I am back online.

Today is a day of big shifts and realizations.  I have made some changes that really hit home such as changing the way I operate with some people.  I am seeing that some folks don’t want to change. They want to stay stuck in their depression, worries, anxiety, unfulfiling jobs or relationships, etc.  Whatever their stories are around keeping the pain is quite honestly their business but they are getting something out of it.  It’s up to me to change my attitude towards them and not let myself get sucked into their woes.  If they don’t want to change, then why am I wasting my energy? I guess it’s what I was calling compassion or what I thought was compassion.  If I sit and listen yet again to their “story” is that compassion?  Or as I realized today, it’s actually enabling them.

Co-dependence and enabling seem to be the buzz words right now.  You can be doing these things without even realizing it.  Case in point, me this morning when talking yet again to someone who thinks they don’t need treatment for something going on in their life.  Where do I draw the line?  I did this morning. It was, okay if you don’t think you need treatment, then I will set some boundaries around how much time I spend around that person.  I struggle with that they are feeling down and maybe don’t have energy to get treatment but I have to make sure I am not going too deep into their journey as it is unhealthy for me.  I wish them luck on this path.

I am seeing more and more clearly that each and every one of us is responsible for our own journeys. There are lots of resources out there that can guide us on this course but ultimately it is up to us individually.  I am currently working with a coach who doesn’t give me the answers but does give me the tools to get those answers myself.  This is a welcome change from other folks I have worked with.  This is empowering and helps me to be my best self.  It also helps me to bring my A game to my clients to help them step into their best selves.  We teach what we need to Master.  If I didn’t put out there that I went through life “stuff” then how can I be relatable to my clients?  We are not perfect.  We all go through big “stuff” and it’s how we handle it that makes the difference between thriving in life and just surviving.

As the holidays approach, life’s big waves start to happen.  If we decide to go into this season with calmness, un-attachment and love, then we are better able to enjoy life’s pleasures.  Take back your power and use all that extra energy to have gratitude for all that this season does bring. 

“Every positive change in your life begins with a clear, unequivocal decision that you are going to either do something or stop doing something!”





It All Comes Down to This.......

Today seems to be a day of introspection.  I am slowing down enough to see that what I thought was my vision might not be my vision at all.  In fact, as I type this, a vision board is in the making next to me. I seemed to have some resistance around even making it this morning.  Hmmm, interesting.

There have been a few deaths around me lately, a friend’s Dad, a young man who was simply mountain biking on vacation, certainly lots in the news, etc.  It makes me stop and go, hmmmmm.  It all comes down to that – death.  If I knew I only had a few years left, how would I want to spend those?  This is where the vision questing comes in.  Am I on the right path?  Should I even look at life like that?  Do I need to be in the present more?

My life has drastically changed in the last year.  It’s even changed a lot in less than a year.  Big, big shifts.  Good, bad and in between.  Let me take the bad out of there because I no longer am using words like negative and bad as there is always something to learn from things. 

I was in a workshop the other day where the moderator had us do gratitudes for things that may not have been in our life plans: divorce, deaths, job loss – you get the picture.  There were a few eye rolls (not from me, as I could see where she was going with this), a few groans and a few looks like deer in the headlights.  What?  How can we have gratitude for loss?

Once everyone started to do the exercise, I could see the shift in the room.  Oh yeah, there are things to be grateful from that divorce.  I now know where my next path in life will come.  I am grateful for my child that came from said marriage.  I am grateful for the opportunity I had to live in various places across the globe because of my husband’s job.  I could go on but think you get the picture.  What a cool way to look at things, right?

As you can see, today is one of those days of deep thought, clearing my energy out and thinking about what I really want out of this one life I have.  It’s comforting to know that I can start each day fresh and go from there.  I can live in the present and start each day in thought about what my next right steps might be.

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker


There is a magical place called Marco Island, in Southwest Florida, found just off the coast from Naples. The minute that one drives over the Causeway onto the island you feel all your troubles melt away.  The heat and humidity help that, but the beautiful blue and green waters, palm trees and various birds help to move you in the right direction.

I’ve been to Marco several times, but this time I finally parked myself down long enough to truly explore the island.  Although people thought me nuts to come in June (bugs, humidity and heat), I found a quiet place with few people.  By alternating my beach going until the early evening, I was able to stay out longer, snorkel and swim with the fish.

One of the days during my visit saw me on a boat trip with the Florida Adventure and Rentals ( Company.  Our tour guide Marco was about to give us a day that we will never forget.  The we being my son and my niece who was making her maiden voyage to Florida.  Marco explained that we would be taking a two-hour tour and we were on our way.

The minute the boat took off out of the harbor, the water became crystal clear, the birds began to circle and the fun began with two manatees who were just as curious about us as we were about them. We stopped the boat and let nature take it’s course.  A giant manatee (Who knew how much they resembled potatoes?) came up to the boat, stuck his head out and wished us a good day.  He stayed for a bit and then decided we weren’t delicious enough looking and went about his day.  The manatees circled the boat a few more times and then it was time to leave. Our guide was very informative the whole day about each and every species that we encountered.  While telling us about the manatees, he shared that they are actually very amorous beings and that one would probably not want to swim with them. 

Our next stop on the tour was the remains of the Dome Houses on Cape Romano.  These Pac-Man looking structures were beyond wild.  The story is very detailed in this link:  It’s very interesting and a definite read.  Basically it was a house that was once in one piece but was destroyed during a hurricane.  Beyond that I don't do the story justice, so again, please read the link.  It was so cool to be so up close to them.  They definitely gave off a kind of out of this world energy.

On to find some dolphins….  As we sped our way further south, we were greeted with various birds of all types – heron, egrets, pelicans and more…..  So much fun.  We saw nesting grounds, flying birds, etc.  The place was “littered” with them.  Our tour guide was not going to quit until he was able to get some dolphins “surfing” behind the boat.  What happened next was nothing short of a miracle!  The dolphins literally started to surf behind the boat wake.  They would circle, move in and then flip in the air.  It was one of the most joyous things I have ever seen in my life.  Alas, I would have loved to have shared a video of this with you but a technical glitch prevented that.  Trust me when I say it was one of the coolest things ever.  You will just have to take a tour with Florida Adventures to experience it for yourself.

When the day was done, I remarked to our tour guide that it quite literally had been one of the best days of my life.  I joked about #bestdayever!  Low and behold, the next morning, my niece pointed out that in the condo we were staying at, there was a pillow on the chair that said exactly that “BEST DAY EVER”.

All the elements of this special day still give me goose bumps when I think about it.  The combination of family, stellar tour guiding, great weather, dolphins, manatees and more made for a day that I will never, ever forget.  I remarked to my niece when we got back to shore that if there ever there was a day that was arranged by our angels and spirit guides, that this was truly one of those days.

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

marco island
Cape Romano

Yes, Life Can End on A Dime, But.....

They always say, live life like it’s your last day here on earth.  What does that even mean?  Does that mean, whoop it up and run up your charge cards?  Does that mean, tell the ones you love, that you love them.  Leave nothing unsaid or does it mean live like there is no tomorrow?

I happened upon a video yesterday of someone talking about how someone had died suddenly in their lives this week.  The loss seemed very profound and the person was rightfully sad.  He went on to say that if you are waiting to do something until the right moment, or waiting to take a trip until you have enough money, then stop and go do it.  I get it.  I truly believe in don't wait to do the things you want to do!

My question is, how do we balance the fact that we might live until we are 100 or we may die tomorrow?  How do we balance those in a way that would benefit both situations?  It gave me pause.  How would I want to operate under these situations?

As I began to think about it, I realized that you can have balance.  You can go about your life to satisfy both situations.  You can go on that trip but also save for retirement.  You can say you love your loved ones everyday, yet not see them all the time. You can study for that test for part of the day, yet go out and do something wild in the afternoon.  It’s all a matter of balance.

I am a firm believer in the energy of words.  What you put out there will come back to you.  So if you hang on the thread of it may end tomorrow, oops that might be what you draw to you.  However, if you concentrate on that balance of living each and every day to the fullest, yet plan for the future, I think that you will find that you have just that – a rich and full life.

I think my message in all of this is, feel that pain, feel those emotions but the best way that you can honor someone who has passed is to live your life in the fullest possible way.  Yes, we never know when our number might be up, but let’s not sit around and wait for them to call it.  Let’s slide into home after a winning homerun, or be able to leave with the knowledge that you have left a great legacy behind.

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

What Are You Getting Out of Being Distracted?

Wow, it’s been a long time since I have written a blog.  Ironically enough, today’s topic is about distractions and why we enjoy having them.  What??  That’s right, why we enjoy having them.  What do we get out of them?

As I’m sure you all have noticed, I’ve had a lot of distractions in the last few months.  It’s kept me from getting my word out and you know what, that started to not feel good after awhile.  When I sit on my creative self, I start to get cranky and mean.  What do I get out of not writing or being distracted from continuing on my true path?  I get peace (not world peace but the kind that comes from not having to push myself).  I get playing small and hiding in plain sight.  I get not having to really put myself out there.  Why would I even want something like that?  It’s called mental laziness.

I keep throwing distractions in my way and using them as excuses for not continuing on with things like my next book.  Even when people ask me how it’s coming, I can still say it’s half done.  Do you know how long I’ve been saying it’s half done?  A long time now.  Again, it started to not feel good.

How do I switch that?  How do I stop using distractions as a means to stay small.  First step, make a schedule.  Make a list of three things you will do in a day and make a schedule around them.  I’ve started putting together a weekly calendar and scheduling in time for writing my book, writing blogs and you know what?  Once I got back on the wagon, it started to feel easier than staying distracted.  It felt so good to get some content out on the table that I was able to keep moving forward.  

One of the other techniques for staying out of distractions is to do some mental imagery.  I imagine what it will look and feel like when my next book is done. I imagine what life will be like when I am up at the podium speaking about my process and journey.  Sit down and envision what it feels like to be your best self.  What are you wearing?  Where are you hanging out?  Who are you hanging out with?

So I ask you, the reader, what do you get out of distractions?  Is it an excuse to not delve into your true self?  Is it the way to not go big and step into your best self?  Is it just pure mental laziness? It could be D – all of the above.  Let’s start with small steps.  Do those three things a day.  For me, today, it was write this blog, see a client and re-arrange my website.  Once those are done, if I continue on, great.  If not, I can rest easily knowing that I made some strides to keep moving forward.  My bet though is that it is going to feel so good that I continue on down the list of what are my next right steps.

“You have a clean slate every day you wake up. You have a chance every single morning to make that change and be the person you want to be. You just have to decide to do it. Decide today’s the day. Say it: this is going to be my day.”  ― Brendon Burchard

 Until My Next Adventure,





Let’s Keep This Momentum Going Forward!

What an interesting time to be alive. This weekend in history is one of so many emotions, changes, the needs to be right, marches, inaugurations, love, hate, you name it. Last Friday marked the Inauguration of our 45thPresident. I’m exhausted, seriously. I have never seen a country so divided before. You are damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

Whether I voted for Trump or not, I still respect the office of President. He is now the president and we can all go into this with two schools of thought. Let’s trash him or do what we can in our own lane to make sure that we are running on our clearest and highest level. It’s with that in mind that I have decided to take a step back and just observe. I could get wrapped up in so much drama, but am operating on the level that if I do, it’s bringing me to a level that I do not want to operate on.

I live in Park City, UT. It was the home of one of the many Women’s Marches that took place on January 21st. I became aware of it a few weeks ago and had a hard time trying to figure out what it all stood for. Was it an anti-Trump rally or was it standing in solidarity for one thing or a lot of things? I realized after polling some folks that it was a mixture of all of the above. With that in mind, I realized that it would not be something that I could attend at this time. I’m doing a lot of work on my own energy and it is really opening me up and making me pretty sensitive to all kind of things in addition to the energy. I’m not saying that anything is right or wrong I’m just saying that I made the choice to stay at home and watch from the sidelines.

The day after the events, I started to really wonder something. It appeared that there were amazing turnouts in every city from Washington, D.C. to Los Angeles and all points in between. What I began wondering is, would this solidarity and good will continue on after March day? Would these same exact folks who put up pictures of Chelsea Handler and John Legend, step into their highest and best selves and keep moving this in the right direction? I certainly hope so. I hope that someone takes the time to go feed the homeless or make a donation to Planned Parenthood. To march and then to go home and not continue to make this country a better place would be an interesting way to operate.

Let’s face it, the gentleman who is now the President may have come into office with a whole different set of tools than the last guy. From my view point and thinking, I see this as a chance for Americans to stand up, make some much needed changes and if you need your voice to be heard, scream it. Instead of taking a victim mode and blaming a lot of things on others, take responsibility for yourself and your own piece of the puzzle. If we all take that time to go inside, make some necessary changes, as a collective we can do so much. Living in fear about what might happen in a non-existent future time point, is just a waste of time and energy. Instead, turn that thinking around and use it to become excited about what just might be the best years after a storm. After all, calmness after turbulence is usually so stunning that we often times look back and go what were we worried about? Why did I waste my time worrying about that? I hope that this comes true for this country. It won’t if too many people are coming together to rant, rave and throw blame on things that haven’t even come true yet. Let’s rock this next four years folks. Do your part to step into your best self and let’s see what we can all do together.

“The point in history at which we stand is full of promise and danger. The world will either move forward toward unity and widely shared prosperity – or it will move apart.” –  Franklin D. Roosevelt

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

When the Words Just Won't Come!

I'm currently working on my new website that will soon be launched.  In this process I've had to work on the wording and basically put on one page what my message to the world is and what I want to offer. Easier said than done.  As I woke up this morning, I reached out to the Universe for more clarity.  How do I boil down my message in just a few short sentences but with a big impact?  What will my elevator speech look like? I realized that if I stop long enough and let go of the worry of what to write, that perhaps it will just naturally come to me.  That's where I am turning to writing this blog for help. Let's get those words up and out so that I can have that clarity at the end to send to the web designer.  Let's see what I want my legacy to be.

The day started with messages coming through, friends that called and a child who refuses to get out of his pajamas.  The usual MO for that is that I worry about that.  Why isn't he wanting to come out of his room?  Is my kid just stinking lazy?  Today I decided to just let it go.  I'm going to go with the flow and see what he does with it and what I might do with it.  So far it's finding me in my office and him out in the kitchen screaming and yelling at his  Minecraft game.  Hmmm, how is this helping?  How it's helping is that I have let go of my agenda for the day and we both seem to be relaxing into what our vision of the day is.  I'm not putting my agenda on him and he has a smile on his face.  One day of Minecraft will not kill him.  Maybe the opposite will happen.  Perhaps he will see how tired and cranky he will get after a full day on the screens.

So in getting back to my task at hand, I'm realizing that perhaps I don't need that full clarity and final wording.  I may just have a work-in-progress here.  I want to go out and spread my message to folks that I have been through some big changes and shifts in the last year or so, and I survived.  I want to help folks who think they are too old, or that they can't take time away from their kids right now, or that self-care is selfish, etc. etc.  I want to let them know that the answer is inside them and not outside in a pill, book etc.  Those can sometimes help but the ultimate answer is inside of you.  If you aren't willing to do the work, then the changes you might aspire too just aren't going to come.  If you look to someone else to do that work for you, guess what?  It's going to be on their terms.  All it takes is a few small steps a day, but just keep moving.

I will provide my clients with the tools to find that answer for themselves.  I'll keep them on the path of momentum to keep heading towards their best selves.  I've had the immense gift of having folks in my life lately that are doing the same for me. I want to pay that forward.  We can spend a lot of time thinking up excuses for not doing the work. The bottom line goes back to the old saying, if you want to make changes, you have to change your way of thinking, being and doing.  Not sure if those are the exact words, but you get my drift.

I look forward to what this year brings for me. I also look forward to connecting with those folks who are ready to make that next step.  If you are ready to take your next step, please feel free to send an email to

"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop." - Confucious

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker



Happy 2017 - Let's Rock This!

Happy 2017!!  This year is going to rock.  I started out the year with a bang.  I went into hibernation mode over the weekend and was able to thoroughly clean my house, set up some manifestations for this upcoming year, and do some self-care to start the New Year off in the right the direction.  I had a positive feeling about this year and I still do but....  I sit here at my desk after my son finally got back to school after long breaks and a bonus snow day.  I am sitting at my computer and wondering how to get started and what's the best thing to do to get my manifestations rolling. I was feeling very ungrounded and decided to reach out to a friend.  He told me to go back to my sequence.. Do some grounding, cut cords and take a salt bath.  Whenever you are feeling like the world is spinning out of control, it's awesome to know that you can have these simple tools to plug back into and feel safe, comforted and supported.

I was guided this past New Year to not go back and review my 2016.  It's giving energy to something that has past.  It's better to step into the exciting possibilities of what you can become in the 2017.  I love this.  It's a far more uplifting feeling than going back over things that happened.  Yes, I am grateful for all of the good shifts but why give energy to those things that may not have been so uplifting?  This is a whole new perspective and one that gives me much joy.  Even as I sit here and type this, I'm feeling like the energetic shift into the future has really begun.

As I prepare to become my best self, I'm preparing some things to have others join me for their next steps.  These will include coaching programs, Meet-ups, videos, re-branding and several other yummy ingredients.  I would love for you to join me on this journey.  If you are interested, please feel free to contact me @

"I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're doing something." - Neil Gaiman

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker


Where Are You Quitting on Yourself?

Tis the season to be jolly, well you know the rest.  It's been a busy one for sure.  In the midst of it all, I am doing my best to continue the momentum I have built up this year.  It's easy to use the excuse of the holidays to slow down for the last two weeks of the year.  In my honest opinion, this is the best time of year to actually speed up and set yourself up for a rocking 2017. With this theme in mind, I'm noticing a lot of people quitting on themselves.  I've been really guilty of this myself this past year, and am doing my best to put into practice things that make me step out of that and forge on. What do I mean by quitting on yourself? Where do you stop yourself?  Where are you suddenly in the flow and things are going great and boom, you throw something in your own path?  This something could be anything from self-doubt and fear to stopping what you are doing so that the flow also stops.

I gave an example the other day of when I really wanted to crawl back under my warm covers instead of getting to the computer and making some new prospects.  It was so hard, especially since I work out of my house. This became the theme of the day because it got me really noticing where others are doing this as well.  The proverbial stay under the covers so I don't have to put my gifts out into the world scenario.  I'm guilty of this in the past as well.

Listen, I know it's the easy thing to do.  When we are doing energetic, physical and emotional shifts, it feels foreign.  It can also feel fearful, painful, and any other "ful" that you can think of.  It's those of us that push through the can'ts, shouldn'ts, etc. that will realize the most gain.

You ask how I put things into place to stop myself from quitting on myself.  What is my practice?  Everyday I get up and sit quietly with 12 minutes ticking down on my clock.  I tune in to Source, get quiet and really listen to what my next steps will be.  I also ask myself if something I am about to do is what is best for my higher self.  I ask if it will take me to my next right place.  If the answer is no, you will most likely feel it in your body.

Back to the holidays, I get it, it's busy, exhausting and can be downright stressful. Here's the thing. If you are working on yourself and staying in your flow during this time of year, guess what, I bet the holiday season will be less stressful and can even be downright fun.  Once your body and soul are humming with your divine purpose, the rest of your world will magically fall into place.

“Don't give up before the miracle happens.” ― Fannie Flagg, I Still Dream About You

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Are you ready to say yes to your soul by shifting your perspective to create something extraordinary? I invite you to contact me via email at to discuss how I can help you to make your next chapter better than your last.

Please also follow me on my Facebook Page: Trish Walker or via Twitter (Trish Walker@50foraYear).