
Act As If....

Act as if it already happened! Because that's what sets the tone for your future and where you want it to go. 

            I don’t know about you, but these last few weeks in my life have felt rather surreal.  We went from daily life to wondering if the folks passing us in the grocery store are someone we know because their faces are covered up in masks.  I had the idea yesterday to write my name and a smile on my mask.  We have a new normal folks and it’s here to stay for a while. How are you going to make the best of it?

            I seem to be going through the different stages of grief. The first week home, my son and I were like okay this isn’t so bad, we can hang in our jammies and eat all day.  My son told me that he’s trained his whole life for this.  He loves being online with his friends all day.  Week 1 went by in a blur, as did Week 2.  By Week 3, I started to have feelings of grief and disbelief.  I was mourning and didn’t even know it.  I was mourning that I couldn’t just run to the grocery store for something quick. It felt kind of like when my son was a newborn and you have those pangs of not being able to go anywhere suddenly or quickly because you have the car seat, baby, diapers.  Things have to be thought out in a much more hygienic way.

            We settled into a new routine at the start of this week.  It was while I was lying in bed last night that I got a very clear message that simply had three words to it. “Act As If…”.  What the heck does that even mean Universe?  Act As If…… I’ve since woken up, had my coffee and sat down with my journal to explore that a bit more in detail.  What my interpretation is, don’t wait for the hard stop.  Don’t wait to do things until this “time in history” is over.  Start doing life differently now.

            If we stay in action, our days will become more productive.  If we stay in action, we can start moving our lives toward what we want to be when we come out of all of this.  It’s not going to be that we just wake up one day and everything goes back to “normal”. I’m here to tell you folks that that is not going to happen. It may be more of a gradual re-awakening.  Businesses we once loved, may be no more.  It may make space for other things to come in that we love more.  All we can do during these days is to create our own future.  One of my favorite sayings is, “If you don’t know what the future holds, then create the future yourself.”.  Say that out loud and think about how empowering that is.

            I love to help folks. I love to help them shift their mindsets, businesses, futures, etc.  With that in mind, I’ve decided to offer a six-week program called “Act As If”.  I want to be here for you during this time of homebound days.  By keeping you accountable to your goals/dreams, you can stay on track to step out of this trying time in history and into your new normal.  Who do you want to be when this is all over?  What would you have done differently if you knew this was going to happen?

            Six weeks of weekly phone calls, energy clearings, and constant email support for you during a time when you may be starting to think that things will have to be different.  Different times mean different operating systems.  Our weekly phone calls will be 30 minutes of accountability, downloads and next right steps.  I’m doing a similar program with my coach and it has been immensely helpful for keeping me on track and for those days when I do veer off track, it resets me rather quickly.

If you want to know more or are interested, reach out to me via Messenger.  You can email me at

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Park City, UT





A Moment of Calm with Adam Levine

Adam Levine and his band Maroon 5 sure know how to rock out with a crowd.  I went to see them in concert Saturday night and was pleasantly surprised by the energy, talent, and fun that can be had at one of their shows.  It also gave me a big taste of how completely disconnected this world is becoming.  It left me with a feeling of sadness along with a side of hope (more on that later). As the warm-up band began to play, the two ladies sitting to my left immediately pulled out their phones.  Wait, let me re-word that because they didn't have to pull them out, they were glued to their hands.  Now these were no teenagers, these were middle-aged ladies such as myself.  This makes it even worse.  Anyhow, over the next two or so hours, these two ladies proceeded to take a selfie, post it on Facebook, keep checking Facebook to see who commented, video every song (will they ever watch these videos?), and finally, deep breathe in, start to play Candy Crush when they got bored.  Excuse me ma'am, but why did you come to the concert?

I started the evening getting very inflamed that this was going on.  Why didn't I say something?  Well, they were so many cocktails in, that I figured that it would be more work than I could imagine.  In the midst of all of this, I decided that I had a decision to make.  I could continue to let them ruin my night, or I could switch things around.  I chose the latter.  During the break between bands, I turned to the young couple behind me and we started to talk.  Yes, have a conversation.  This in turn, started to include a few more folks who saw what we were doing.  We talked about how there is no connections in the world.  These two young folks were high school teachers.  What they told me about kids and phones proceeded to break my heart.  Again, a choice. I have a son.  I can start by making a difference with both him and myself.

As the show continued on, it became very apparent that there was a lot of phone usage. At one point in the show, Adam Levine (bless his soul) actually said to the crowd that it was time to try something different during the next show.  He asked everyone to please put their phones away.  There were one or two folks who just couldn't part with it, but overall, the arena got really still, quiet and the only sound you heard was Adam and his guitarist belting out their song.  The energy shifted to one of folks being present, engaged and creative.  It was unbelievable.  Alas, after the song was over, Adam told folks they could go back to their old ways.  He did pause long enough to say, "Wasn't that really nice?".  I hope that a few folks really saw the connections and might make a difference in their lives.  Well, I'm sure you were wondering about Thing One and Two next to me.  Their phones came right back out!!  I wish them well on their journeys.

The concert was the highlight of my birthday weekend.  I knew every song, loved the music and had a great time.  The last song of the night that was played was Purple Rain by Prince.  It gave me chills and made me realize that our time here on Earth is short. We can spend it on our phones, creating drama in our lives, or we can hook into a collective of connection, love, friends and family.  The world right now is one of chaos, commotion and lack of connectiveness.  My hope is that something shifts soon. I can do my part, help my son to do his and send love and best wishes to everyone else.

“You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.” ― John Lennon

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Are you ready to say yes to your soul by shifting your perspective to create something extraordinary? I invite you to contact me via email at to discuss how I can help you to make your next chapter better than your last.

Please also follow me on my Facebook Page: Trish Walker or via Twitter (Trish Walker@50foraYear).