Positive Energy

May the 4th Be With You

“A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.”

“Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger… anger leads to hate… hate leads to suffering.” – Yoda

            Who knew Yoda had so many good quotes?  Who knew how relevant they are to today’s world?  We are living right now in a time of his quote above about fear.  There is so much anger and hate right now going on in this world.  How does one deal with this and move on with a prosperous life?  Here is my Yoda like quote for today, “One must stay in one’s own lane.  Go within!”  The better you are about going inside of yourself for your answers, the more you will radiate goodness out into the world.

            This weekend was one of shifts and emotional upheavals for me.  I had a few things trigger me (imagine that) and just felt, well, kind of hopeless.  I woke up today with a new attitude and ready to march into my week. Something shifted overnight. I had clear visions and words coming through to me and therefore my sleep wasn’t going so well. The interesting thing is I woke up feeling refreshed.  The Universe was giving me lessons and still taking care of me at the same time.  For that I am grateful.

            The lessons coming through last night were, I believe, sparked by me reading Alicia Keys’ new memoir, More Myself.  She peels back the layers of herself as she continues along on her journey of life.  Each layer reveals a deeper part of her. I am only half way through the book and already can’t wait for the ending to see where she ends up on this path.  She talks a lot about energetics, especially around the words that come out of your mouth.  I totally dig all of this myself. What we put out to the Universe, will come back to us bigger.  For example, if you keep complaining, you are going to attract more things to complain about.  I stopped and realized what my thinking had been the last few months – completely stinking thinking. Today was a new day!

            Another of the lessons that came through last night were around who you surround yourself with and the conversations that you have with them.  I decided this morning to make a list of inspirational people that I would invite to a party to absorb their good energy.  Of course, Alicia and her husband made the list.  Reading their stories in this book made me realize that they surround themselves with high vibe folks. This is super important if you want to bring those high vibes into your own life.  I felt last night that I let go a part of my life that had me having conversations with folks that were low vibes.  I literally saw the cords being cut and felt that energy go away.

   We are being constantly reminded, especially lately, that time is of the essence.  Time, words, and energy are a big deal if you want to live that big, prosperous life.  Focusing on lack will bring you more lack.  Today I choose to focus on prosperity and am opening myself up to receive the abundance I know that is out there for me.  There is enough around for everyone, we just have to want it bad enough. This week will be one of quiet and clarity.  I’m ready to put together the big picture of what I want from life and what I want to give out in life.  If I am prosperous than I can help others. I must put my own oxygen mask on first.

 Until My Next Adventure,

 Trish Walker

 Check out my “Act As If” program at my website www.trishwalker.us.  Set yourself up for success on the other end of world events.  Who do you want to be when we step into our new normal?



The Hate in My State

If I want to be a better person for whoever is in my life, I have to learn.” -Paul Gascoigne

            I woke up this Monday morning determined to get my life back on track after a weekend of Netflix and cookie eating.  I kept justifying it as, “It’s okay, I’m resting.” But I see now that what I was doing was absorbing all the negative energy from Facebook, news posts and people around me who were telling me all about what was going on here in my state of Utah.  I know better than this but still got sucked in.  It was reported that over 1,000 people gathered in Salt Lake City to protest the stay-at-home orders.  Help me to understand here.

            There is a deadly virus going around at the moment, yet these folks chose to gather in a large group, many without masks, and fight against something that has helped to lower the numbers of this virus.  It’s as if the collective all got cranky at once and rose up. It was really very fascinating to see.  Do we think that this rally did anything to further the cause?  I’m just not sure.  What I think is that in two weeks we will see a rising of the numbers of virus cases in our state.  This should be interesting. 

            I get that people have a right to their opinions. I get that we have a Bill of Rights, Freedom of Speech, etc. but what I don’t get is that the careless actions of a few hundred people could have devastating effects on the healthcare workers. They are already overworked.  Why would folks want to put them even more in danger and potentially keep the stay-at-home order in place longer?  I’m not saying anyone is wrong, I’m just on a deep dive to understand both sides of the equation here.  I’m also trying to understand where and when the level of hate in my state went up so much?  It’s like the dark is winning and that’s not okay.

            It’s dismaying to me to see people who I thought were of high vibe and are healers, putting up posts on their FB pages spewing anti-everything.  Do you remember the Mother Teresa quote “I won’t go to an anti-war rally, but I will go to a pro-peace rally?”  Energy is everything. That which we give energy to (either good or bad) will grow.  Energy doesn’t differentiate.  If you continually post anti-president pictures, for example, do you really think that is doing anything other than giving him more energy?  It also takes away from the time that you could be staying in your lane and working on yourself.

            Someone asked me the other day for suggestions on how to handle these current times.  I simply said for them to stay in their lane first. Work on yourself. Where are you needing to deep dive and really examine why you are triggered by certain things?  If you are triggered by certain things than you are needing some healing in that area. If you have such deep anger/hatred around a certain topic or person, then go out and do something to better the world.   Feed a homeless person instead of putting up an anti- FB post.  See where I’m going with this?  Instead of spewing more hate into the world, start putting out more love and gratitude.

            I don’t know what will become of all of this, but I do know that I am more motivated than ever to wake up each day and see what I can do to make a difference in this world.  Even if I only help one person my whole life, that may be more than the guy who is spending a lot of time hating.  I wish that every person could read this, and it could trigger something in them to maybe take a step back and see what they are doing?  That five minutes you spent posting and then the hour you spend looking at whether people are commenting, what can you do with that precious time instead?

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Check out my “Act As If” program at my website www.trishwalker.us.  Set yourself up for success on the other end of world events.  Who do you want to be when we step into our new normal?


From This Day Forward!

It was a big, big day.  It's Election Day 2016. Regardless of the outcome, it's been quite the journey.  The signs went up six months ago.  It's been a long six months of opinions, accusing, non-support etc. I tried to stay put today and not go out to much.  However, real life gets in the way.  As I made my way into a restaurant to pick up a sandwich, a young man came at me and said, "Well, who did you vote for?".  His co-worker told him that that was rude and to not ask me.  Thanks for coming to my rescue sir.  The person originally asking the question told me that he wasn't going to bother voting because it didn't matter anyway.  I told him that's one way to look at it but to please not complain because not voting doesn't give him that option.

It's been a day full of wonky energy.  People yelling at family members because they didn't vote for who this person thought they should vote for. People saying they won't judge, but then do judge.  Through it all I have sat back and observed.  I've observed some really bad behavior but also some beautiful behavior.

I've set my Facebook feeds up for high vibe folks for the most part.  Their posts today were beautiful.  One in particular by Michael Franti talked about love.  How we need love right now but more importably how love needs us right now.  It was a feel good watch.

By this time tomorrow, I will know who our new president will be.  As relieving as that sounds, I know that there will probably be six more months of whining, attacks and just plain stupidity.  It's up to me how I react.  It's up to me to make my space high vibe.  It's up to me to make the choice to not hang around folks who try and mudsling and bring into my world a bad energy.  Even if it includes family, it's okay to make the choice to not be a part of their every day.

P.S.  It's the day after and we all know who won.  I woke up to blazing headlines, fear (not mine), again hatred, etc.  A light went off in my head.  I can do this differently.  I can not get sucked into the rhetoric.  From this day forward, I am going to take on a light way of doing things.  I truly feel that this country needed a wake-up call.  It came in the form that it did, whether you think it is good or bad.  The fact that so many people didn't vote but are still complaining is a testament to what I am referring to.  I spoke to my son at great lengths this morning about how we can walk away from the drama.  We can decide that from this day forward, we will put our energies into the good.  When you put energy towards something, either negative or positive energy, it still gives that entity power.  In the case of either candidate, this current mood of the country was going to happen.  We can just trust from this day forward that the good will rise up and that people will start to pay attention to what we need to do to prepare for the next election so that we are not in this situation again.

Until My Next Adventure,

Trish Walker

Are you ready to say yes to your soul by shifting your perspective to create something extraordinary? I invite you to contact me via email at pwalker2650@gmail.com to discuss how I can help you to make your next chapter better than your last.

Please also follow me on my Facebook Page: Trish Walker or via Twitter (Trish Walker@50foraYear).