Life is Like an Open Book

I'm in the process of finishing up all of the work required to put out my first book.  I'm very excited about the whole thing, but am realizing more and more how much appreciation I should have given to all the authors of all of the books that I have read up until this point in my life.  It's a long, hard process.  I didn't realize it until I find myself in the middle of being in that process.  I can see the finish line but am trying to muster up the strength to see it until the end: publication date! I'm currently working with several people including book designers, both inside and out.  I'm also working with an amazing editor who has helped me immensely throughout this whole process.  It's not unlike having a whole staff of people at my beck and call.  I appreciate them and the hard work that they are putting in to help me see this through to the completion.

This book will mark something more than just becoming a published author.  It will mark me finally seeing a project through until the end after a very long time of floundering with what I wanted to do.  You see, I stepped out of my corporate role when my son was very little.  I wanted to stay at home with him and enjoy his growing up years.  I didn't realize that somewhere in that process, I would lose my sense of self. This book is me re-inventing myself and not getting lost in the saga of "I've stayed at home for six years and now have nothing to show for it except seeing my son bravely step into the world after I have prepared him for that role".  I'm so proud of both him and myself for forging on and finishing up what life has shown us so far.  My book is the sprinkles on the sundae after making sure all are happy and healthy.

The book is a compilation of stories from this blog.  Each chapter shares a story and then has a section at the end that will give the reader some ideas on how to make their next decade their best decade.  I'm looking forward to sharing these stories with my readers and will be thrilled if it has a positive impact on someone who will be inspired to turn their way of thinking about that next decade into something positive and motivating!

I look forward to hearing from my readers about any stories that this book sparks them to have.   The book should be released sometime next month.  Stay tuned.......

Until My Next Adventure,

P.A. Walker

Are you ready to say yes to your soul by shifting your perspective to create something extraordinary? I invite you to contact me via email at to schedule a complimentary 30 minute consultation to discuss how we can work together to make your second half of life better than your first.

Please also follow me on my Facebook Page: The Second Half or via Twitter (Patricia A. Walker@50foraYear).